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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I understand. You claim to be able to get results for people while complaining that you can't get results for yourself. We see this all the time, people who claim to be "SEO experts and digital marketers" here complaining about no sales. As a digital marketer, what is your professional advice to resolve your dilemma? What would you tell a client who complained... "Getting no orders since June while my gig is on the first page. What can be the possible reason?"
  2. If he contacts CS and says he wants to order from his second account, they will terminate both of his accounts.
  3. Respond, good. Don't respond, bad. I'm Mike and "This is my Masterclass."
  4. 1. Let him cancel and rebook, then deliver the order. 2. Report him for having 2 accounts. 3. Let him rebook, complete order, then report him for having 2 accounts. I'd do #3
  5. As an "SEO PRO" who says on their profile, " I help people generate organic traffic through search engine optimization, link building and much more," shouldn't you be the expert? How can you be trying to charge buyers for a service that you cannot perform for yourself?
  6. I have a question. Why would you post tips to "rank gig," when you are brand new, have made no sales and have stolen your "tips" from someone else? If you were thinking that this somehow makes you look experienced and will get sales for you, just know that it does exactly the opposite You should be learning Fiverr, not attempting to teach.
  7. The idea of "using my sister's name" is still fraud, dishonest and generally considered identity theft when the 3rd party is unaware. It's like when someone registers a car in their sister's name because the driver has a suspended license. Pure fraud.
  8. Nope, not a one out of probably 50 briefs. They were all nonsense, or for services that I don't even provide.
  9. I recall when Briefs replaced Buyer Requests, I had them switched on for a month or so, and after determining that it was merely a new delivery method for the traditionally horrific requests, switched it off. Is it any better now that it is powered by the lemony scent and whitening power of Neo? Or is it still, "Hallo dear, give me job?"
  10. Just click the "get a company" box on the unicorn tab of your dashboard. They will send you the forms which you send to Omar at the Continental Hotel. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing, *Void in Nevada and Mumbai.
  11. Your theory is to use keyword that people don't search? Starbucks had better drop "coffee" from their SEO.
  12. If it is from a movie still and a Fiverr seller is trying to sell it to you, it is 100% stolen, and you will be vulnerable if the actual owner detects such usage. These people who steal from others to resell can get you work taken down, or even sued. Block that seller and look for TRS/PRO sellers with a history of good feedback.
  13. Do writers today still care about grammar?
  14. Don't follow the advice about getting fake orders from friends. You will get caught and appropriately banned. There are lots of scammers here who espouse everything from plagiarism to fake orders in their race to the bottom. There is no set time, just make your gigs the best you can
  15. Your expectation that someone is going to do the hard work for you will not get you success here, or in any business environment. Stop asking, start doing.
  16. Sell as much as the people who are there now. They are putting the best sellers up front.
  17. If you are using a VPN to fake your location, you will eventually get caught and have your account disabled.
  18. You should read up on what Fiver actually states as their policy in using AI instead of guessing (wrongly). The point here is not whether you think it is convenient, the point is honesty. If someone is willing to lie about their English proficiency in order to make a sale, are you seriously suggesting that they won't lie about other things to make a sale? Defending dishonesty is an unusual position, but have at it.
  19. newsmike


    Just a bit of advice, content written by AI is prohibited on the forum. It is odd that all your forum posts are grammatically perfect, yet when one looks at how you write in your own voice (like these 3 reviews you responded to) you obviously struggle with English. Perfectly doing this tasks but can't understand why this negative. 20 days+ worked on there. I've purchased a premium theme on my own cost and he promise me he'll give this balance. But he betrayed and put down 3 star. Last 2 man is destroy my career. It's so much pressure for me now. I can't understand why he put down this. Already done this job perfectly but can't understand what happens!!
  20. Just launched partial refunds to settle issues without need to cancel and repurchase. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/15770574712977-Partial-refunds
  21. Now that is a great seller tip.
  22. They probably have not updated their portfolio. No need to update every time they design something. How were their reviews? Stairway to Heaven was released in 1971, and still rocks.
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