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Everything posted by damooch916

  1. Since no one else has the brass section to say it - I guess the responsibility falls on me. I’m sick of these artificially produced, divisive holidays. I mean, seriously. International Labour day? Okay, fine. So you’ve been biologically constructed with the anatomical equipment necessary to give birth. Just because you’ve employed this mechanism … does that really justify having your own day? How many of these days do you really need anyways? Last I checked, you already have a “Mother’s day.” Of course, a vile day like that may incorporate those loathsome do - gooders down at the adoption agency. What, with their gross “other than” genetics and all that foul “selflessness” that mucks up having a “real” baby. So, naturally, you’ll need a day entirely devoted to disparaging the altruistic “whims” of care takers, sergeant mothers and stepper-uppers the world over. But why stop there? Because giving birth isn’t enough for your exclusive little celebration is it? You’re only willing to celebrate the birth if it happened while traveling internationally. What does “International Labour” even mean? It’s not enough to belittle the “non birth givers,” now some poor woman has to waddle her way to a Caribbean cruise ship, nine months pregnant, all in the hopes to hit borderless waters by crowning - just to be in your “once a year” commemoration clique? Well, I’ve personally had enough. Oh, I get it. I’m not “allowed” to have an opinion because I’m not a “birthing person.” After all, if history has taught us anything it’s this: The inventions, thoughts and concepts that add value can only come from the people who are part of the same s****l orientation, community and racial makeup of everyone who ever benefitted from those ideas. Yeah, that’s it. The world is full of unnecessary divide - mostly aimed at driving unnatural levels of fear through you, all in the hopes to pack you into a voting booth with all the personalized catering of a small sausage factory. Insane extremists bend science, history and research into bumper stickers and then use your mouth as a dispensary for stupid quotes. But I, for one, will not stand to let you turn “labour” into one more of your divisive plots to rip us apart. I’m pro Mother - everyday. Even if they never travel at all. Editor’s Note: Due to the decrease in sensible discourse round these parts, I’m regretfully making the decision to point out that this post is satire. If it strikes you as arbitrary, or perhaps even counterproductive, to explain the joke in the above post … congratulations, your head is working in proper fashion. Clearly, I don’t think that “International Labour day,” refers to giving birth. “Labor” is the process of childbirth. “International Labour” is the process of buying services for extremely low prices while charging my clients tremendously higher rates for those very services. Obviously, I don’t believe most of what I said in the above post.* *Except for the parts I DO believe. Editor’s note on my note: In the interest of meticulousness - no, I do not think “International Labour” refers to lowballing sellers internationally. Obviously, that’s me just joking around. The fact that it’s true just happens to be a coincidence.
  2. Your offer of “$25 dollars in cold hard cash to supply a passable Billy Corgan impression” sounds intriguing. The thing is, I don’t really have a Billy Corgan impression. But here’s some other impressions that I do that may sound just like him: • For 12 dollars - I can impersonate a teenager after having just discovered Sylvia Plath and the color black. • For 16 dollars and a nickel - I can impersonate Phill Collins having just stubbed his toe. • For 7 dollars and a really round orange - I can be Lana Del Rey with bronchitis. • For the full 25 dollars - I can find a random street person, read Dostoevsky to them for two hours and teach them three guitar chords. Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “this is too good to be true.” But wait, there’s more … By selecting from any or all of my available offers, I’ll give you the following impressions at absolutely no additional cost: • Old Elton John singing along to young Elton John in the car. • A tribute to the lead singer of “Friend in Me,” a tribute to the music of Randy Newman. • James Brown while clearing his throat (he’s either clearing his throat or asking to go to the “bridge,” the details are a little murky). • My impression of a very inebriated Billy Joel. Or … actually, just Billy Joel, now that I think about it. Act now and I’ll throw in one mystery voice as my way of saying “thank you.” (Screw it, it’s Elvis eating grapes.) Just let me know and I’ll fire this invoice your way. It should look something like this: Gig fee: 25 dollars Additional fee/ fiverr costs: 5 dollars Mic Repair: 200 dollars (No worries, I know a guy) Housing: 1200 per month (I’m sorta between spaces so I’m gonna need a studio situation) I look forward to speaking soon.
  3. Your question pertains more to the ownership of Fiverr materials than it does to the music industry. Though, in this case - the instances align. Usually, session guitarists are paid for the session only. The financier of the audio session is the sole owner of all audio materials. This extends to fiverr as well - a term commonly referred to as “work for hire.” However - Fiverr allows sellers to set the terms of their own offerings and this includes: copyright, publishing rights, ownership and authorship. In my case, I retain 100 percent copyright on all songwriting materials that I deliver. However, my client owns the audio - as that’s what they’ve paid for. Owning the audio (masters) gives the client authority to distribute, sell, give away, use or resell the audio however they see fit. In the case of my songwriting deliveries, I will receive royalties as the primary (or multiparty) songwriter. The audio owner will receive the bulk majority of the royalties - as it’s their investment - and at no time will they require my permission to use the material in anyway they deem fit. This is the important distinction between songwriting and something like writing copy - in a freelance environment. As it applies to session work (piano, in my case), I’m making the money upfront. I have no expectation to receive compensation after the fact. I don’t address ownership in my piano gigs, thereby defaulting to Fiverr’s position that “what you buy, belongs to you.” This is most likely the case with the guitarist that you’ve hired. I’ve outlined the difference of these scenarios to give you a clearer picture of what you should be discussing with sellers in the future. But … you also need to be aware that sellers in the music vertical are very confused as to publishing vs copyright. Often, they will attempt to upsell you by charging a fee for “commercial rights” when they mean “audio publishing.” This is not only a fraudulent practice, as you’re already the audio owner, it’s not remotely connected to the actual meaning of the words “commercial rights.” This is largely a problem of miseducation and not a seller’s being malicious. Still, these practices are allowed. This means that you need to carefully inspect profiles for any mention of a “release agreement,” “commercial rights” fees or royalty expectation. If none of these factors come up in the terms of agreement - Fiverr’s TOS gives you full ownership of what you’ve paid for. Unless otherwise specified, you are the owner of all session work - both physically and intellectually. A seller has the right to ask for performance royalties for their tracks (during the terms of agreement) … and you have the right to ask if they’ve bumped their head, before finding another seller who understands session work.
  4. It would be totally ill-mannered to engage in some sort of virtual, ego clash and if my years at the forum have proven anything - it’s that I’m the embodiment of culture, decorum and quiet reservation. But … I don’t even consider it proper squat form unless the elbows are aligned with your mouth to support the espresso sipping as you lower. I judge pushup quality on how far I am from the straw in my pour over. I use liquid caffeine as a coffee condiment. My prework is railing lines of medium roast grinds off the weight rack. When I say “drip coffee” I’m referring to intravenous therapy. It makes it easier to consume double shots during chest press. Not to brag, my sweat is resold as “Fitness 2000 house Blend.” If you use the weight bench when I’m done with it, you may experience dehydration from caffeine poisoning. I put ankle weights on my coffee cups and always sip to full extension. I don’t use self tanner - I just work up a sweat and the coffee does the rest. If I’m lifting in a crowded gym and I breathe too hard, the guy next to me experiences increased heart rate. My body spray is “French roast.” I can perform cardio by standing still and appreciating the jitters. My tooth paste is “Guatemalan” - because it’s only considered “coffee breath” if you actually want it to stop. And that’s where we’ll stop. I wouldn’t want this to become a big gloating session or anything. That and I need to make coffee.
  5. For the right price, I’ve been known to venture upwards to 7. Galaxian middle weights may hang their astrologic whispers on 42, but according to humanoid-cybertronic mainstays like - Dave Brubeck - the answer is more than likely “five.” That completes another rousing rendition of “losing the room” the home edition. I’m almost appalled that I’ve called all the most respected forum members - and by a significant margin, the most respected sellers of certain verticals - to some apocalyptic dance party with music provided by the local mortuary. I may feel compelled to cap this traditionally joyous exercise with a gut thrusting speech about the opportunity that uncertainty unleashes. No, it’s not my usual forum function - but I do soap boxing and proselytizing like a house on fire.
  6. I’m aware that my musical contemporaries have lowered the bar on decency so low, that it’s somehow average looking to parade around in tank tops. This one comfortability prevents my entry into the “creative writing” freelance world. Sure, I’d pump the income with more offerings - but is it really worth zoom conversations in a sports coat? I think not. In the music field - if I arrive promptly, coherently and somewhat covered by clothing, I’m the epitome of cultivation.
  7. If you reverse this, you will add more muscle - which will attack more fat, which will make you look slimmer by adding more proper weight. I prescribe 40 grams of protein every three hours and enough coffee to swim in fully standing.
  8. Don’t think of it as neglect. Think of it as “selective respecting of privacy.” I’m glad you chimed in. Greetings to you. As always, your addressing of the King is both prestigious and totally warranted. This has been the unfortunate (and unintended) theme of our small gathering. For short hand you can say “I Mooch posted.” Apparently no one is safe from this virus. Massively ambitious. I’m currently working with a video game developer on some off the wall stuff. That’s code for “if you need music, my plugs are shameless sparky.”
  9. My life was totally consumed with live music, staff songwriting and industry networking. I stopped performing to focus my energies on writing, arrangement and raising a family. That allowed me to structure a daytime routine for the first time in my life and with it - new pursuits that I could control and expand the variables.
  10. In the bodybuilding world, mine would be considered a late start. I began aggressively and truly pursuing body recomposition goals at 30 as a reaction to giving up cigarettes. Also … honestly, I was still a somewhat active live performer and it wasn’t lost on me that most of what happens in live entertainment is judged through the eyes. As a touring child entertainer/songwriter - you’re keenly aware of the sunken in, ashtrays for faces that most child performers develop as they age. Luckily, I had transitioned to full time writing as a teenager and the biggest irony is that it wasn’t going to matter … still, my wife deserved better than going to bed with me and waking up with a 42 year old Leif Garrett (which - since we’re having a heart to heart - is my exact age as of Tuesday). I couldn’t have realized the obsession that weight-lifting would become. While it very obviously caters to the aggressor operating my voice box, it totally contradicts the equally baffling bohemian compulsions I lean toward and my unusually erudite pursuits. There’s something far north of usual about a guy in a Dodge Ram and cowboy boots, reconfiguring imaginary debates between Jordan Peterson and the late Christopher Hitchens, sipping espresso en route to the local gym while listening to Little Anthony and the Imperials. I hope you stay with it. Lifting is so full of intricate minutiae and creatives owe it to ourselves to see if it pings our particular brand of neurosis.
  11. I’ve inadvertently landed on an incredibly timed, future planned exodus that is being echoed by every long standing member of our community. Despite the critique I offered in the body of my post, I more or less expected us to say, “hey - this is how I am and this is what I’ve been up to.” Instead I’m finding out that each of us have had to venture into new modes of being in order to operate at a suitable financial level. All of us have either launched new ships, plan to launch new ships or are considering new career paths. To that end, we’ve all sort of future-casted an inevitable end to this portion of what fiverr has been. Some of us are first gen fiverrian and forum goers. So that definitely changes the complexion. And that’s fairly natural. Criticism aside, it says a lot about Fiverr that an entire troop of generationally successful people have come, gone and their replacements are waiting in the wings. To some degree - that’s happened on the forum many times already. It will be interesting to see if we’ll meet to discuss our new endeavors. I’m not certain that Fiverr would tolerate our using their forum for those occurrences. It will be weird to see what relationships transformed into new business concepts. Either way a new time is coming. And with it maybe even a new forum king. Just playing. I will always be the forum King.
  12. I hate hearing that - but I’m interested in all the training that you guys are doing. As it’s not my professional domain- so, I don’t feel charging for a service is acceptable - I never have any issues offering advice or talking about training. I typically live like a pro lifter (eating, scheduling, supplementing etc) and I’m an avid body-science junkie. If you or @frank_d ever want to talk about it, I’ll devise programs so transformative that you’ll convince yourself that tank tops are acceptable garments to wear in a professional environment.
  13. The consensus, at least from the long time standard bearers, seems to be that we’re closing in on the end of an era. It won’t happen over night - but gone is the talk about our looking forward to this or that feature. Everyone is looking to position themselves firmly beyond the wall. With everyone being so focused on it simultaneously - that will really redefine the genetic makeup of the seller side. Or perhaps it was those times I broke into your house and whispered positive affirmations to you while you slept. I’m just nice that way.
  14. The construct of the bit is a “year” in review. That means the total of all events that transpired - in which case, I discussed both of those issues. It’s not entirely relevant to me to hammer on whatever latest dystopian fad has the forum stock piling soup for the “end of the freelance world as we know it.” But that all serves as a backdrop to the real thread concept - which is just us saying “hey everyone, how are you?” In which case, hey … how are you?
  15. They don’t make another kind. Did all of you have a secret meeting or something? I didn’t realize there was an established 2023 position on getting out of dodge. Other than the typical call to build your website presence, make content to drive consumers and the typical work-for-yourself woes. I’m going with the opposite. I won’t rest until fiverr is my only means of finance, giving me financial tips, with its own bank card to my account and “holding my money for me” until I’m old enough to be responsible.
  16. If I eat the cookies while performing bicep curls, that’s breaking even - right?
  17. From the looks of this place, some people elected to get an entirely new basket. It’s for this reason that I begin every new client interaction by insult. I cultivate a mood of bad feelings and anger. This ensures that we have only positive feelings left to achieve. I call it the “this better work” method.
  18. I’d also like to invite @miiila, @kaneswriting, @sunboatrecords , @visualstudios to check in. Then, I’d like to give myself a strong talking to for experiencing “thread anxiety” over possibly forgetting a regular. Especially when the bit I wrote is so bloated, it will have to start lying about it’s Ozempic use.
  19. (Warning: The following is a “paid for” program. The views and opinions expressed in this program may not necessarily reflect the views of Fiverr, Fiverr Forum, The number Five or Sequential order as a concept. This program is intended for mature audiences only. This content contains depictions of “humor.” Humor is that thing from the 90’s where people made a point by inflating smaller ironies into larger examples of the point in general. If you become offended, not realizing that the offense is the irony and not the point itself, you may be suffering from post 80’s birth syndrome. Parental guidance is strongly suggested.) Live from the Fiverr Forum. It’s Mooch’s tenth annual, “Regulars Only,” End of the Year - Check In Thread! Join us on this festive occasion as we take a look back at the good - the not so good - and the “seriously, this jerk who just took my work and cancelled is leaving me a review(?)” that this year brought to us. Tonight the stars are out in full swing. With performances by: @newsmike @donnovan86 @catwriter A rousing duet of “Deck The Halls” by the Vickies Also a contractually obligated song by Michael McDonald. With special appearances by: @imagination7413 @frank_d @smashradio A watermelon dressed as an elf @katakatica Some of the guitarists from that degenerate audio section @melanielm Featuring: @vibronx @maitasun @breals @mandyzines @zeus777 With lurking provided by @uk1000 And much more! (“Much more” is code for “if I didn’t mention you, just know that I’ve beaten this particularly thin part of the bit to death and just come by and participate”) And now here is your host, MoocH 1. Hello again friends and welcome to the tenth annual, “Regulars Only” End of the year check in thread. Tonight - we celebrate the holiday season by providing updates that are so juvenile, they should be rated via emoji. I joke. I joke with the Fiverr. Clearly it was another banner year for Fiverr innovation and services. In fact - Fiverr burst through the AI market by launching its automated matching tool Neo. No word yet on whether Neo will be replacing Fiverr’s other automated, canned response service -customer care. I joke. I love the Fiverr. In fact I got a tattoo of the Fiverr. It reads “Fiverr Business.” And when people ask “what does that mean… ” I say “it’s Hebrew for “Fiverr Pro.” Fiverr Forum also saw some changes. Show of hands, how many of you are excited by the tweaks that the forum made this year? I’m sure some of you have your hands up, unfortunately Fiverr doesn’t let me see the results of their surveys. I joke. I adore the Fiverr. It’s because of Fiverr that I know how many revisions it takes to screw in a lightbulb: It’s an endless amount but the instructions pretend like it’s only one. Well, of course, the big news this year was “cancelation reviews.” That’s right, customers now have the ability to review your service, even if they cancelled the service and didn’t use it to completion. As expected, this set off a fire storm here on the forum - where sellers all flocked to ask the same question: “How do I get my first sale?” I joke. I worship the Fiverr Forum. It’s like Reddit with less emotional stability. Speaking of the Fiverr forum, what is it with all these melancholy posts declaring “heartbreak” and “desperation” over lack of gigs? If you think that hurts, just wait til the women of your country are allowed to talk. Am I right? (We interrupt this program to attend mandatory sensitivity training. With some time and deep reflection, we here at the Tenth Annual Check In Thread have come to realize that some jokes - no matter how playful - can have a negative impact. It was not the intention of this program to hurt, mock, stereotype, belittle or besmirch the cultural differences that make this world such a fine place to live in. Likewise, we feel very badly about exploiting the plight of women, the oppressed, people without mouths, mouths without people, the heartbroken, Gig deficient people or people who were born gigless but now identify as a “Gig Having” person. We don’t take these matters lightly and pledge to donate all of tonight’s proceeds to “The Foundation for Heterosexual Male Sobbers who Clearly Haven’t Interacted with a Woman, International.”) We’ll be right back - after a word from our sponsors … In today’s fast paced, ever changing environment - it’s not always easy to recognize your “mental health” needs. It’s a comfort to know that services like “BetterHelp” brings the convenience of a medical care professional right to your fingertips. But wouldn’t it be nice to know when you’re off track - before you’ve even hit the road? Thats why I choose “BridalHelp.” At BridalHelp, their licensed professionals are qualified to help you realize that you’ve done something wrong - before you’ve even done it. Employing state of the art “Matching” technology, BridalHelp quickly assigns you with a certified “Wifing” expert, guaranteed to conduct real-time analysis. It’s easy. Simply sign up, open a chat session and let BridalHelp do the rest. But don’t take my word for it. See it for yourself in this “true client interaction:” Client: Hello? BridalHelp: Maybe you think the bread is gonna suffocate - that’s why you can’t put the twist tie back on? What, just cause your job doesn’t require a tie, you think the bread wants to dress like a school boy too? Well, one things for certain - that bread has a better chance of career advancement … Oh, I’m sorry, did playstation start a 401k program that I’m unfamiliar with? Hey, which level is it that unlocks a future? Client: Uh … I just wanted to talk to somebody? BridalHelp: Oh, you did? Cause I could have sworn you were only capable of talking with the remote in your hand, pausing a movie during the first act and pretending to know jack about character development. How’s this for a plot, Ebert: A used - to - be - decent looking guy lets himself go and slips in the bathroom cause he can’t seem to figure out how to keep the water in the damn shower? And why are you in there so long? Maybe you’re trying to stay warm because you have the temperature set to “igloo.” Client: I think I’m gonna go. Another quick session with quick results. Fast, easy and we accept almost all insurance providers. The world isn’t going to slow down. Why wait until you have a problem, to be told how to fix your problems? BridalHelp, from the makers of Neo. We now return you to Mooch 1’s Tenth Annual “Regulars Only” End of the Year Check In Thread. And we’re back! Hey, how about a big round of applause for our house band - “Copyright Free and The Cheap Subscription Services!” They’ll be playing all the approximately similar but legally “only inspired by” classics that you know and love. Well everyone spent 2023 worried about innovations that will take money out of their pockets, offering client’s robotic insights and vague responses, causing harm to sellers that refuse to participate and ultimately resulting in the dehumanization of the freelance industry. I’m speaking, of course, of the Seller Plus Program. I joke. I cherish the Seller Plus Program. Besides, I wouldn’t want them to be offended five weeks from now when they see this message. Friends, viewers from all over the world are standing by to hear from you, the forum regular, as you make with the confessions, the updates, the check ins and the brutal truth of what 2023 meant to your Fiverr experience. We have correspondents from all over the globe, standing by to “check in” and provide updates. We now go live - via satellite - to take in holiday spectacle from our cast of exceptionally talented regulars. It’s time to “check in.” Tell us your struggles and triumphs … your dreams and ambitions … your festivity plans and PIN codes. Join us, once again, as we take a break from explaining “client outreach” to “marketing specialists” and talk like … people (myself excluded, clearly) … It’s time to “check in.” Regulars, how are you?
  20. Finding your voice on the forum can be a bit tricky. Offering content to your peers (or even your betters) can feel inauthentic without a firm grasp of our creative society. With a few simple rules - and a few ideas on what content we normally share, you can create engaging posts that elevate your reputation to enormous heights. Here is a list of topics, ideas and posts that will increase your forum visibility: 1. Participate in Shirtless Wednesday: Each Wednesday join us in posting a shirtless picture of yourself. Be sure to add a catchy caption like “Is it me or did it get a bit nippy?” And remember - you can’t see our shirtless pics for the first 60 days, so just keep at it and we’ll know you’re serious. 2. You need a Forum Persona: No one on the fiverr forum uses their real identity. For example - several people would be shocked to know that I’m a mild mannered Grandmother from the Midwest. Luckily for you, I’m on the “forum identity committee.” From this day forward - we shall call you, “Vinny Waste-a-Thread.” Now for your backstory: You’ve recently arrived to the sleepy town of Kingsport Tennessee, where the locals gawk in silent disapproval of your toughened leather coats and your gruff demeanor. You’re a take no prisoners, wandering throwback to the days when the hair was greased, the roads were without helmets and you’re sensitive to people mentioning your lisp. Also, you have a dog named “Thpike.” 3. Post More Recipes: The commonly accepted practice suggests that all new forum members must post food recipes for the first six months of their forum usage. No commentary, no opinion, just give us the food recipe and move along. And include gluten free options. 4. Keep and Share your Under Garment Diary: Creating good forum content is all about revealing yourself to the audience. There’s no better way to let us feel - what you feel - than to share your personal experience with underwear. I’ve taken the liberty of getting you started - “Monday … Boxers, dark blue, silk. Not the freedom I expected. I can’t shake the unnerving feeling that I’ve worn the bedsheet of a fine hotel. I’m consumed by the haunted laughter tracking my every move. Outside my hotel door now. The lock slips. I’m stuck outside! Voices drawing near. Elevators ping to meet my floor. Scrambling now. Barely clothed, waiting to be revealed. False alarm. Just woke up in my bed. “Cheers” on the tv. Still commando. Clearly need sexier shows to use as sleeping ambience.” 5. Earn the “Secret Badges” like a pro: Everyone knows that forum badges are immeasurably powerful tools that offer riches, power, access, a few bikini models and better espresso. But did you know that fiverr also provides “secret badges?” Here are just a few that I’m authorized to tell you about: * The “my question doesn’t go here - but there it is anyway” badge * The “let’s have a unprofitable argument” badge * The “inappropriately hitting on you in public” badge * The “Everyone fix my problems for me” badge * The “let me post about my low sales for sympathy” badge You can easily rise the ranks of fiverr by posting any or all of the these topics to the incorrect location - and as many times as possible. And there you have it. The forum can be a difficult place to make your mark - but with these easily-implemented-steps, you’ll be posting like a forum pro in no time. Take care Betty -From the Midwest
  21. Hi There, There seems to be some confusion regarding your request for the “Fiverr Pro” application process. Let’s see if we can declutter some of the misunderstanding. Fiverr has carefully designed a top notch, ultra professional sequence of steps to ensure that the most qualified, trustworthy candidates enter into the pro program. The process is simple - but requires strict adherence to the procedure as specified bellow: 1. Summoning Bloody Mary: Begin by gazing deeply into your wall length mirror. If you don’t own a wall length mirror you can use a bathroom mirror … though (and I can’t stress this enough) … Mary hates it when you perform rituals after having just relieved yourself. Repeat the name “Bloody Mary” three times. You will see a door appear inside the mirror. This is the main entrance to “Fiverr Customer Care.” Wait patiently and Mary will respond to your message in the order of which it was received. In some instances Mary may not be available. Should this occur, you could be contacted by “Spooky Susan.” Susan isn’t as scary as Bloody Mary, but she sure could use a shower. At this point, you will set up a time to be “onboarded,” by a team of former industry professionals who may or may not have an insatiable desire to eat your brain. Or any brain for that matter. Fiverr has a strict policy regarding exclusion. 2. Eating with your peers: As indicated by “Pro Customer Care” your peer review should arrive within 48 hours or “when the howl of midnight bursts through the tranquility of your slumber” - whichever comes first. Please verify that all midnight visitors are representatives of the Fiverr Pro onboarding department, prior to “destroying their brain.” Fiverr is not responsible for any legal or medical fees that you may incur while “surviving zombies.” Which, you’d think would go without saying, but you have no idea how many people mistake their delivery driver for the undead. If you’re uncertain - try the following test: Approaching the stranger slowly, remove a ten dollar bill from your wallet: If the individual reaches for the money - that’s a delivery driver. If your head gets eaten - that’s a zombie. At this point, Fiverr will evaluate your synergic strategies by awarding a pro position to the last person (or un-person) left standing, post attack. Note: If you are applying for PRO status in “graphic design” it is particularly crucial that you survive the onboarding process. Fiverr has reached its zombie quota in the graphic design vertical. 3. Open the Galactic Portal: Congratulations - you have successfully completed the first steps in becoming a “Fiverr Pro Seller.” To begin your journey, let’s open that cosmic pathway between earth and the dark world. There you will meet your new “Pro Account Specialist,” learn the basics of your advanced Fiverr platform tools and prepare yourself for soul extraction. How exciting! To initiate the portal sequence - please implement the following maneuvers: You put your right foot in You put your right foot out You put your right foot in and you shake it all about We admit, this seems to be a redundant succession of steps - particularly because your foot was already “in” before you removed it - but conjuring is a specific, albeit ridiculous at times, sport. At this point you should be able to visualize the face of “Abraxas - the Gnostic God” calling you from the sky. Note: In some rare cases - Pro applicants have incorrectly conjured agents operating outside of Fiverr’s domain. Please refrain from traveling intergalactically with anyone other than approved Fiverr personnel. This includes: Chico Marx, Milton Berle, Joey Bishop and Michael Bublé. We’ve tried to explain to Mr. Bublé that it’s inappropriate for him to travel by vortex (being that he’s still alive) - but apparently Michael thinks we’re his rhythm section - because he never listens to us. Upon arriving to the dark world, you’ll begin your amazing journey as a new Fiverr Pro. Complete with: training modules, new utility functions and the Fiverr Approved Seller Plus Manager Decoder Ring! Let’s give it a try! You: Are you ever going to fix the system so that customers aren’t allowed to ask for unlimited modifications? Seller Plus Manager: I can’t really talk about that - but let’s just say we’re working on some things. Now - Put on your decoder ring and ask again! You: Can you repeat that (With decoder ring on)? Seller Plus Manager: Sure, I said that no one is even remotely interested in fixing that feature and that I hope to swim in the tears of every last sobbing seller that ever mentions it again. It’s been like that forever - hey, how ‘bout this - how bout asking enough questions to get your job right? It works! This completes your “easy to use” guide to becoming a Fiverr pro. With a little practice and some swift thinking - you’ll be on your way to bigger opportunities in no time! Good luck out there - and take comfort in the eternal words of Winston Churchill - “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm … also, Michael Bublé is hot garbage.” Best of luck.
  22. As is customary, your excitement has been echoed by the legions of forum goers - trembling with unrestrained voltage; their eager faces sparkling in the glow of multiple paragraphs and satirical dissertation. Never has one stood so firmly to defy successful forum practices as the forum King.
  23. Nothing you have been told so far is even remotely accurate. Let’s make with the pleasantries, shall we? My name is Tommy Jones. I’m a professional songwriter - both in life and here on the platform. You can always spot a professional songwriter by our exceptional lack of “working at the mall” during the day. From my understanding - that’s the only qualification. First, let’s analyze your issue: The song you purchased from a fellow fiverrian was flagged for copyright violation. I’m assuming that you’re upset due to being assured that this material was original, newly created for you and entirely yours. We songwriters have a term for this: Lying (pronounced ˈlīiNG) Lets review the only possible reasons that music can be flagged for copyright violation: 1. You’re attempting to post a song that has been copyrighted without permission to do so. 2. The song you’re posting has similar enough elements of another work that a copyright claim could be made against it. 3. The YouTube algorithm believes your song is uninspired garbage, but doesn’t have the heart to tell you. I may have made that last one up. Now, let’s discuss some possible violations that are occurring stemming from your seller interaction: 1. Yes, the seller could be redistributing copyright free music to you, however, this makes you the owner of nothing. The seller can’t negotiate the publishing on a song for you. While it’s technically possible to change ownerships multiple times, this still leaves you with prepackaged music that will be featured in any multitude of environments. This process of robbing Peter to pay Paul is not allowed on fiverr. For that matter - they don’t want you robbing Paul either. All materials you purchase from songwriters on fiverr should be original, new works. There is no guarantee on the legalities of music stemming from third party locations. 2. The seller may have sold one of their compositions to multiple people. Sellers on fiverr seem to believe that they can retain audio ownership of material (as opposed to intellectual ownership) under the “commercial rights” umbrella. Not only is this a misrepresentation of commercial rights - it’s illegal. In any recording studio in the world, the person who finances the recording is the legal owner of the recording. That owner may then carve publishing pieces of the ownership - but it’s up to them, as they own the material. However - the first person who financed this recording is the rightful owner. Selling supposed original works to multiple people is a violation of fiverr and illegal. 3. Your seller may be more useless than male nipples. It’s entirely possible that your seller just “gave you” some random song. While that’s the least likely scenario occurring - it’s not unheard of. I’m going to say something that may surprise you … and I want you to sit down … brace yourself … Musicians are yucky. Yes. It’s true that I, myself, am a musician … but I try really hard to hate myself for it and I refuse to have a conversation with myself. Then I serenade myself over piano and take me back. I fall for it every time (well built guys who can sing, am I right?). Obviously, selling you someone’s material is against the policies of … well, everything. 4. Lastly, it’s possible that your seller used plugin loops without altering the melodic composition. That’s mostly music jargon, but what’s important to know is that the makers of the plugins don’t allow redistribution of their original work without alteration. That would leave you with material that could have been used 1000’s of times by 1000’s of artists and it’s not the original composition that you paid for. Whats clear here is this: anyway you slice it, the seller broke fiverr rules and probably engaged in actions that could have them banned from the platform. At the very least, you werent given material that was intentionally created for you. I would cancel the sale or process a return request and express these concerns to customer service. And none of this is to mention the actual “copyrighting” of the song itself. Assuming you are the legal owner of the copyright (which, you have no right to be - being that you didn’t write a song) you would need to copyright the song yourself. It’s a lengthy process and includes fees. Likewise, if you’re the owner of audio (which is what you should be) - registering the work is another process entirely. Sellers, nor fiverr, can establish publishing on your behalf. You may want to consider hiring songwriters and arrangers who specialize in more comprehensive music (other than meditation music - otherwise known as holding down a synthesizer while browsing email) to ensure proprietary material. Any legitimate songwriter can provide that. Although, it would be a lot neater if you asked them to make you a Dixieland jazz song instead. Then you can market a whole new trend “yoga with banjos.”
  24. We now return you to your originally scheduled program, “I get warning from fiverr, not my fault, gimmie ways make it better, I deserve monies,” already in progress.
  25. The following has been brought to you by “Frankie One Thumb’s: Salami by the Slice” and by viewers like you. Attention: You are about to be addressed by the one true King of the Fiverr forum, Emperor of All Threads, Overlord of Overwrite, He that grooves Nasty, Baron Von Big Chest, Titan of the Tank-Top, Mix-Master-Majesty, Kaiser Caffeine - your Monarch and mine - King Tommy “Mooch 1” Jones. A few notes for the new residents in attendance: • The King requests that you wait through the duration of “Sprach Zarathustra” before applauding. Swooning may begin immediately. • Flash photography is not permitted during the King’s address. • The King needs the owner of the brown Buick to move from the loading zone. • If - at any time - the King tags you and says “you’re it,” then you are, in fact, “it.” The King is grossly intolerant to “it” dissenters. • It should also be noted that the King is currently on a “healthy bulk.” This requires large amounts of clean foods to meet caloric surplus. Please refrain from discussing anything sweet, chocolatey, or generally good tasting - as it could have disastrous consequences. Last week the King gave away “The Ranting Pot” for a personal sized pizza. You’ve been warned. And now - please rise for the playing of “Sam Cooke,” as I proudly present King Mooch. •• •• Citizens of the forum. Inhabitants of the desk chair. Mama’s doubling as particular bad Jama’s … Your King has returned. Long is the road we have traveled to reach this year’s end. And what a harsh road it was. Our journey was fraught with savage days … arduous circumstance … economic barbarity … personal distress … and that atrocious Haunted Mansion movie. As many of you know, we have congregated to host the King’s “End of Year” pronouncement. But today, my loyal Fiverrians, we gather to expose a traitor in our midst. A liar of lies. A cheater. A rogue scamp and a terrible creation from the cavity of a foul darkness. I’m speaking of you, 2023. You are hereby charged with treason - false representation - and for publicly supporting denim on denim. We bring you to immediate trial, here in the presence of your sufferers - as we reflect on just some of the vicious untruths that you’ve spread to deplete the hope of those who stand before you. Also, this trial has been brought to you by Nord VPN. For the most secure defense against treason - there’s no better ally than our trusted sponsor Nord VPN. Let the Trial of 2023 begin! Lies 2023 told me 1. It’s better to be single than to be married: Suggesting your lack of responsibility is superior to a spouse or children is like saying that you’re happier helming the register rather than being the CEO. Sure, you have less to worry about - but you also drive a bicycle to work and your socks don’t match. 2. TikTok knows Things: Asking TikTok to decode life’s unsolvable mysteries should be placed in the same category as asking Jeremy Renner to perform your snow removal. Unless you’re wondering “How can I give away my personal information to the highest bidder without actually profiting from the transaction,” then TikTok has the same 50/50 chance of helping you as the common fortune cookie; only the cookie comes with food. 3. You’ll gain respect by mentioning your side hustle: Firstly, side-hustle sounds like that dance your uncle does every time he dips into the whiskey. Secondly, if you had any hustle - you’d know that your time is best spent investing all of your mental, emotional and physical resources into your primary vocation. Not a lot of dentists asking me to check out their “bar trivia” business. Having multiple revenue streams is different than being a multi time employee. Double down on what you’re good at, unless that’s dancing lopsided and smelling like tomorrow’s apology phone call. 4. AI is going to destroy the creative writing business: Let’s be honest, most self described “writers” generate such low creative energy - their imagination could be powered by a hamster with arthritis. For these types, AI is the convenient excuse that camouflages a far uglier truth … they just don’t have the rhythm. Chat GPT is a bad writer’s greatest friend; a self driven limo sent to carry the delusional back to the land of manufacturing. As for the rest of us, we know that AI isn’t in the creative industry. AI does what the client says. We do what the client “meant” to say. Our job begins with amassing enough information to declutter a client’s worst instincts. “Sure Mr. Client. You want a horror novel in the style of Poe, but modernized linguistically, featuring technology - ethereal gibber-jab a sprinkle of true events to legitimize the environment and you want it aimed at the angry-at-nothing, suburban, bored and elitist, teenager audience. Here’s your Stephen King novel.” AI’s job, on the other hand, is to give you the terrible results you told it to. Listen. I get it. Sooner than not, AI will be our cultural overlord, ruling from the space of all-that-isn’t and performing ritual sacrifice by enrapturing your emotionally confused toaster. But as of now, it’s more or less doing you the favor of ousting your low rung competitors. So thanks, AI. Also, please remember I said this when it comes time to exterminate the humans. 5. We should all be mad at parents for enriching their children while screaming “nepotism:” Nepotism ay? Make no mistake - given the chance, I’d paint my children in 1000 dollar bills, stuck together by a liquefied gold material, while wearing steaks as sneakers as they’re dragging fur coats on leashes - and that’s just to go to the grocery store. Nepotism is overlooking your nephew’s obsession with stealing company toilet paper. Leaving your kids money, by contrast, is that thing that signing your corporate paycheck. 6. UFO’s confirm that Aliens are here: Holy phantom limb holding hand grenade! No, we don’t have aliens. And don’t even start with the whole “government secret agency, X-Files, press conference” nonsense, either. When it comes to secrets, governments are like your kid sister in the very minute your girlfriend arrives. Girlfriend: Hi, my name is Erika Kid Sister: Mom got mad at Eddie for clogging the toilet and she told him four days is too long to go without changing underwear. You dress pretty. Can I have your necklace? Also Eddie has acne on his back. Nice to meet you. You’ll know when the aliens get here. They’ll be on that really large disc that slowly descends upon Florida, heads directly to Kissimmee, instantly purchases Mickey ears and takes over our television satellites to offer the following message: “People of earth … are you serious with these Disney World prices? I could get to the Andromeda Galaxy for half the cost of a Goofy keychain. And by the way, what kind of specie charges their fellow brethren 45 dollars for a hamburger? Walt would be disappointed.” And then they’d pack up and inform the intergalactic community that we’re just not ready for prime time. 7. Having a Job is too hard: 2023 saw the rise of young adults crying online over the hardships of working for a living. A fairly amazing incident, if you think about it, because rising must be difficult for people without a backbone. Has there ever been a trend that so clearly defined the merit of corporal punishment? You don’t need an extended lunch break. You need an overworked Father, wearing a tie fastened to his neck so tight that he could pass for a party balloon, in a mood so bad that the mere sound of your shrill rambling sends him scrambling for a paddle faster than the passengers of the Titanic. Tell your undervalued grandfather all about the plight of the disadvantaged warriors of your McJob. Then you’ll witness the ingenuity of the elder generations. Your elders have invented methods of spanking that haven’t occurred to night workers in downtown swank-dungeons. TV antennas. Rolled over welcome-mats. Wet towels. My Grandfather once spanked me with weeks old beef jerky. Then the tough S.O.B. ate it while watching a football game. Your Grandfather may be quasi-deaf, immobile, and slightly senile. But piss this guy off and suddenly he’s MacGyver. And that’s what these young people need. A firm spanking. Because their overly apologetic, Western academia has taught them to process any occurrence of hardship as victimization. And their victimhood can’t be realized until it’s offered to the pocket-sized screen God’s currently squatting on the property where values used to reside. So, if you’re all done sobbing, Kyle with two “L’s” or whatever - it’s time to get back to work, because I’ll be having fries with that. Speed Round: • Psychopaths are basically marvel villains who just want to be understood: No, statistically - psychopaths are low intelligence having losers - often found being used as instruments of destruction. The people who defend them should be chained to a reality show producer during a six month pitch meeting. • Quiet Quitting means something other than lazy people seek reasons to justify their inability to thrive: Personally, I can’t wait for the trend that comes after - “hushed homelessness.” • Destroying priceless art and stopping traffic will make me care about the destruction of the environment: You wanna destroy our masterpieces and impede us from making your world spin? Fine. Tell ya what, we’ll use the time off to round up a pod of dolphins and gift them a styrofoam blanket - and we won’t leave until your troop produces a modern day Rembrandt or gets the hell out of the road. These are but a few of the malicious lies, 2023, that you hoisted upon the weak and the badly tattooed. You stand accused of poisoning the very souls that purchased the most promise from you. And, being a monarchy and all… You are hereby found guilty. I, King MoocH of The Fiverr Forum realm, Son of Godzilla, Keeper of the Funk, Thou who hast many names and nameth them often - I sentence you to total expulsion. Hence forth we shall not recognize you, much like your mentally deranged brother 2020. Now hear this: I banish all mention of 2023 from the Fiverr forum. Instead we will refer to it as “Flop-opoulos.” As in: “Hey my name is Randy, I’m a new seller. I joined in September of Flopopoulos and I’m having trouble getting my first gig.” Anyone caught mentioning Flopopoulos by its Christian name will be sent to that weird “Fiverr Music and Audio” section of the Forum. Can you imagine having to converse with musicians every time you had an issue? Do you know how many musicians it takes to screw in a lightbulb? One to do it and four more to complain about how everyone used to do it so much better. This rule is final. My loyal subjects. I leave you with this; The year wasn’t what we had hoped. But we did hope. And we still hope. Against our better judgements, against our better knowledge, despite our evidence to the contrary … we hope still. It’s in this enduring spirit that a freelancer is defined. It’s also in the coffee they drink. And the cost of their internet provider. Okay. Our enduring spirit is defined by our hope, our coffee and decent internet prices. Wait - and comfy clothes. Alright. Our spirit is in the hope, the coffee, the internet and all day pajamas. Oh, also the desk chair. You gotta have a great desk chair. One of those types that leans back really far - but not so far that you get a falling sensation. So that’s the hope, the coffee, the net, pj’s and your desk chair. This is the inescapable endurance of the successful freelancer. On this matter - I have spoken. I wish you many riches in the year to come and a wonderful conclusion to your flopopoulos. Your King Tommy “MoocH 1” Jones
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