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  1. The last few months weren't bad either.
  2. The promoted gigs feature is working pretty well for me.
  3. It's strange, maybe some bug. Reach out to CS.
  4. At last much needed basic feature is here. It will definitely help a lot but I was expecting something like a forum 'quote' feature. What if we want to reply to a question from a long para? It is still missing.
  5. Same for me. Until my 30s (I am 48 now) I used to see lots of horror movies and shows in the theater or on TV without any issues but I don't know over the years when and what happened, now I can't bear to even hear the horror movie sound from a nearby room watching in theater is next to impossible for me.
  6. I guess it's your registered email inbox and not Fiverr's message inbox.
  7. It's because Fiverr does not show live impressions. Tomorrow it will show today's impressions.
  8. Sorry if it's a dumb question, but where are my notifications?
  9. I’ve also received notification for gig promotion. I am thinking, what if your competitor/s clicks on your promoted gig (on daily basis) for no reason.
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