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Everything posted by lloydsolutions

  1. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  2. Posting unnecessary thanks replies to other people's topics can only be considered as spamming the forum.
  3. The above is from the Help Centre. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs
  4. If you like something just use the emoji. Posting unnecessary replies to other people's topics is seen as spamming the forum.
  5. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed) Read this:
  6. Please stop spreading this "active" nonsense which is being spammed all over the forum.
  7. You joined Fiverr March 2022 and have 5 reviews already. Some new sellers take months to get their first order! As with starting any business. It takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business. Just follow this: Your first post. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy! 🙂
  8. Please respect the forum rules and don't repeat previous topics.
  9. Your last delivery was 3 hours ago and you have 11 reviews in the last month!
  10. You joined Fiverr in May 2022. As with starting any business. It takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business. Read this: Your first post. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy! 🙂
  11. The Fiverr Cash Advance aims to help sellers grow their business - even when they’re short of cash. What are the eligibility criteria required for Fiverr Cash Advance? Eligibility criteria are automatically defined and are subject to change. Your eligibility can change, as it is based on your sales and performance history. The above is from the Help Centre.
  12. Read this: Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  13. New User Introductions! This category is for new users to introduce themselves, tell where they are from and what they do. (which you did last year)
  14. "How can I get my Gig ranked higher? Promoting your gigs on social media, websites, or blogs is a great way to bring more traffic to your gig. The more traffic, the more exposure you will receive in our marketplace. Completing your orders on time and providing exceptional service can also affect your ranking. As long as you are doing well in these areas, your ranking will improve." The above is from the Help Centre. PS. Just use normal font the same as everybody else.
  15. No need. Forum administrators have now moved your topic to the correct category.
  16. Posting Fiverr links is not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  17. Ignore all of this "stay online" nonsense which is being spammed endlessly all over the forum. Read this:
  18. It takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business. Read and follow this:
  19. I assume you mean .... How do I solve it? Read this: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274399-what-happens-when-you-publish-a-new-gig-a-pro-sellers-guide/
  20. By iqraqutub29,November 1, 2020 in New User Introductions! Another old topic being spammed with irrelevant welcome replies!
  21. Read this: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011094958-SEO-tricks-for-Gig-titles
  22. Why can't I find my Gig in the search? In the marketplace, a Gig's position is based on the seller’s performance over a set period. Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily. There are many factors to take into consideration, some of which may include: Order cancellations Delivery rate Responsiveness The particular Gig’s maximum number of active orders in the queue, as based on your seller level. Other Gigs performing at a higher rate. If other sellers are ranked higher, they may be consistently getting 5-star feedback, delivering on time, communicating quicker, and so on. It all counts. For this reason, ensure that you provide high-quality and original work, avoid late deliveries and cancellations, are responsive, and always remain professional. The above is from the Help Centre.
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