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Everything posted by lloydsolutions

  1. Your answer is irrelevant to the question.
  2. Any necessary exchange of personal information required to continue a service may be exchanged within the Order Page. The above is from the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page.
  3. Here is what Fiverr recommends: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360015226518-Responding-to-Buyer-Requests
  4. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  5. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  6. Tip: Suggest you check out the competition in your category re pricing, as new sellers usually lower their prices until they move up the levels. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy! 🙂
  7. If you like something just use the emoji. Posting quote and thanks replies in other people's topics is seen as spamming the forum.
  8. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed) Welcome to the forum. Enjoy! 🙂
  9. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  10. Posting your Fiverr link to ask for help is allowed in the category Improve My Gig.
  11. How can I get my Gig ranked higher? Promoting your gigs on social media, websites, or blogs is a great way to bring more traffic to your gig. The more traffic, the more exposure you will receive in our marketplace. Completing your orders on time and providing exceptional service can also affect your ranking. As long as you are doing well in these areas, your ranking will improve. The above is from the Help Centre.
  12. Fiverr links are not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  13. Disputes and Cancellations We encourage our Buyers and Sellers to try and settle conflicts amongst themselves. If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the Site, users can contact Fiverr's Customer Support department for assistance here. For more information about disputes, Order cancellations and refunds please refer to the Payment Terms. The above is from the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page. Suggest you read the Terms of Service before buying anything.
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