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Everything posted by lloydsolutions

  1. Here is the updated link: Fiverr Help and Education Center (My Portfolio)
  2. No interest is charged on the cash advance. The total amount to pay is paid to Fiverr from your future earnings. When you don’t have earnings, you don’t pay on the cash advance. The above is from here: Fiverr Help and Education Center (Cash Advance)
  3. You only need to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. Putting a capital letter at the beginning of every word makes your text difficult to read and will put many buyers off. Suggest you change all of your gig descriptions with the above in mind.
  4. How can I get my Gig ranked higher? Promoting your gigs on social media, websites, or blogs is a great way to bring more traffic to your gig. The more traffic, the more exposure you will receive in our marketplace. Completing your orders on time and providing exceptional service can also affect your ranking. As long as you are doing well in these areas, your ranking will improve. The above is from the Help Centre.
  5. It takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business. Suggest you read again your previous topic above, especially the reply showing above. Also, check this out: Here is the updated link for the above topic: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/16-tips-for-sellers/
  6. How it works is explained here: Fiverr Help and Education Center ( Levels Statistics)
  7. Posting your Fiverr link is not allowed in this category. It is Improve My Gig if you want help and My Fiverr Gigs to advertise. (links allowed)
  8. Here you go: james_google1 | Profile | Fiverr Suggest you check out the competition in your gig categories re pricing as new sellers usually lower their prices until they move up the levels.
  9. Ignore all of this "active online" nonsense being spammed all over the forum. Read this:
  10. Your Fiverr link above doesn't work. You need to fix it and check that it is working.
  11. This is your 3rd topic. Please stop disrespecting the forum rules by posting multiple topics on the same subject.
  12. Please stop spreading this "stay online" nonsense which is being spammed all over the forum.
  13. Now your second order. It is great that you are getting orders. But, imagine how the forum would be overwhelmed if everyone created a new topic every time they got an order.
  14. All of your gigs are active. I typed "retype Chinese" in the Fiverr search bar and your relevant gig was on the first page. Tip: You have misspelt Graphic Design as Designe under your profile image. Attention to detail is very important and mistakes will put many buyers off. They will just move on to buy from someone else.
  15. Forum administrators have now moved your topic to the correct category.
  16. Forum administrators have now moved your topic to the correct category. It takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business. Read this:
  17. Please don't spam the forum with your Fiverr link.
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