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How do i repost my fiverr gig?


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Guest capitalquality

What do you mean by ‘ad’?

I looked at your gig. you don’t mention Instragram in your title so it might be not specific enough as I’ve been told in the past that this can mean gigs don’t feature in search results.

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What do you mean by ‘ad’?

I looked at your gig. you don’t mention Instragram in your title so it might be not specific enough as I’ve been told in the past that this can mean gigs don’t feature in search results.

oops when i said ad i meant gig. i see people posting the same gig over and over but i don’t know how to do that. but thank you for the advice ill try adding the word instagram to my title.

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Guest capitalquality

oops when i said ad i meant gig. i see people posting the same gig over and over but i don’t know how to do that. but thank you for the advice ill try adding the word instagram to my title.

You might have to create a new gig, like the last but with a better title. I think the first title stays always as the link.

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Dear Ariana Grande:

OMG! 😍

OMG! 😍

OMG! 😍

OMG! 😍

I’m you’re BIGGEST FAN EVAH! 😍

I can’t believe you’re on Fiverr! 😍

You should just give a shout out at your fans at your next concert and you’ll have more Fiverr business than you can handle in no time!

I just CAN’T BELIEVE it’s really you! 😍

As psyched as I am, you should probably just have one of your personal assistants handle your Fiverr account.

And when you tell her (or him) to read the Fiverr Terms of Service, don’t get mad if he (or she) deletes your Instagram Account from your profile text. And also don’t be surprised if the Fiverr Editors pull it.

(I doubt you’d even notice that anyway, because you’re so busy being Ariana Grande! 😍 I loved your last album, 1989! When’s your next album coming out?)

Did I tell you I’m your biggest fan?!

O. 😍

M. 😍

G.! 😍


I understand that women working online have good reasons for wanting to protect their identities, but misappropriating that of a celebrity may not be the way to go here…


[details=Click Here for TOP SECRET Tips and Tricks
Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]
Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, Fiverrcast, and Support.

I suggest you check out Fiverrcast episode 08: Working Through Language Barriers.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist. Please study this thread to better appreciate what I’m talking about here. It should take you a minimum of 4 weeks to make your way through all the material.

If you haven’t already read Strengths Finder 2.0 and taken that assessment, I suggest you do so, because it should give you the language to express your strengths and help you to brainstorm some gigs for which you are especially well qualified. Check out the writing of Chris Guillebeau and Tim Ferriss. By Josh Kaufman, I recommend The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything… Fast!
and The Personal MBA. Also, you could read Influence by Robert Cialdini and Get Anyone to Do Anything by David J. Lieberman.

Here’s a thread discussing a specific example of a Buyer Request for which I created a gig and then asked for help improving that gig via the forum.

Improve My Gig Checklist
Seller Tip Trilogy
3 Top Tips and Tricks
How Do I Attract Buyers to My Gig?
Buyer Requests 1
Buyer Requests 2
Tips for Non-Native English Speakers
Sellers Instructionals from a Techies POV
Video Tutorial
SEO Idea
54 Sales in Our First Month
7 Tips for Upselling
Social Media Gig Marketing
Managing Buyer Expectations
Gig Tweaks
Digital Copyright
Gig Images
Fiverrcast Questions
Fiverr’s Cut
Cogent Discussion of Buyers, Sellers, and Sellers
Warning Signs of a Potentially Troublesome Buyer
Warning Signs of a Potentially Troublesome Seller
What URLs Can I Use?
Fiverr Terms of Service
How to Make Millions on Fiverr

[details=Should I build my gig so no communication is necessary, or should I tell the Buyer to contact me before they Buy?]I once tried (very unsuccessfully) to sell cars. I remember a 17-year-old kid coming in to testdrive a Camaro. Being desperate, I agreed, and he took me on one of the more terrifying rides of my life. And he never did buy that Camaro!

Afterwards, the top sales person at the dealership told me that the way he handles that type of kid is to tell them, “Come back with your Dad!” That was a teachable moment about the importance of qualifying your Buyers.

I’ve been thinking about the people who have been complaining about Sellers buying complicated gigs without contacting them first.

There are 2 schools of thought on this issue:

  1. build your gig so that no communication is necessary. Keep it simple and limit choices.
  2. my gig must be custom, and there are so many IMPLICIT choices, I have to communicate with the Buyer to avoid problems or expectations mismatches.

I’ve not really been having problems with this. Even people who have no business trying to order one of my gigs are pretty good about contacting me first.

In thinking about this issue, I’ve reached the conclusion that this is because I don’t just say, “Contact me before you order.” I give a REASON why:

Why choose me:
Because I am a hard worker with a strong work ethic.
Because I respond quickly and deliver on time.
Because I’m easy to work with.

Why NOT choose me:
Please view my sample images for the basic type of pieces I am offering for this simple gig. If you have an elaborate info-graphic with more than 7 discrete elements, I am not a good choice for you.
I DO NOT USE PHOTOSHOP. GIMP can import and export .psd, and can do many of the things that PhotoShop does, but if you are a PhotoShop purist or require some arcane PhotoShop functionality not found in GIMP, I am not a good choice for you.

Please contact me before you order this gig. It’s important that we have good communication and clear understanding of expectations. I’ll do my best to accommodate you. Every gig I perform helps me to improve my skills. Your feedback helps me to improve my future gigs!

I just want to suggest that people who are having difficulty along these lines might want to A / B test adding wording like this to their gigs, to see if it makes a difference.

You might need to move some stuff around. Fortunately, each FAQ you add gives you about 300 additional characters (however, if you’ve already used all your FAQs, you may have to make some difficult trade-offs).

Anyway, I hope this is helpful.

Some other sales techniques I’d like to mention are:

  1. qualifying the Buyer;
  2. convincing the Buyer you have a premium product for an exclusive clientele (for example, a base gig that allows you to see if you’re a good fit, which is a barrier to entry for higher-end gigs); this is why, for example, trendy Manhattan night clubs may hire people to stand in line outside, because people enjoy the club more knowing not that they got IN, but that other people DIDN’T!
  3. taking the product away from the Buyer.

I’d say Fiverr would be wise to try to implement these types of techniques into the plan for the site, because they are powerful tools.

Bottom line: it would be good for Fiverr for someone with a sales background to help brainstorm ways to implement these techniques in the site.[/details]

P.S. I changed “ad” to “gig” for the title of this thread.

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