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Buyers, Positive Rating

Guest shaunacardwell

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Guest shaunacardwell

It so hard trying to keep up a good rating, i really think fiverr need to get rid of the response rate, its hard keeping up with so many messages but also trying to get orders done first, anyway how can i get my positive rating up, it is at 97% ive had quite a few 5 stars the past few months, except maybe one 4 star review but it still doesnt seem to be going up any. Also ive had a few buyers who have ordered but not left any information and i contact them but dont get a reply until the order time is nearly up then it ends up the order is late and i have nothing to deliver because they havent given me anything, thats also effecting my rating, what can i do about this its very frustrating. I really dont like how the positive rating system works its hard to keep up with it especially if fiverr isnt the only work that you do.

any tips/suggestions 🙂



Dear Shauna:

I’ve edited your original post (OP) for readability:

It so hard trying to keep up a good rating!

I really think Fiverr needs to get rid of the response rate.

It’s hard keeping up with so many messages, but also trying to get orders done first.

Anyway, how can I get my positive rating up? It is at 97%. I’ve had quite a few 5 stars the past few months, except maybe one 4 star review, but it still doesn’t seem to be going up any.

Also, I’ve had a few buyers who have ordered but not left any information and I contact them but dont get a reply until the order time is nearly up.

Then it ends up the order is late and I have nothing to deliver because they haven’t given me anything.

That’s also affecting my rating!

What can i do about this? It’s very frustrating.

I really dont like how the positive rating system works!

It’s hard to keep up with it, especially if Fiverr isn’t the only work that you do.

Do you have requirements in place for your gigs?

You are currently a Level 2 Seller with a rating of 4.85. To achieve Top Rated Seller Status, you need to maintain a rating of 4.7 or higher, so you are in fine shape.


Guest shaunacardwell

Dear Shauna:

I’ve edited your original post (OP) for readability:

It so hard trying to keep up a good rating!

I really think Fiverr needs to get rid of the response rate.

It’s hard keeping up with so many messages, but also trying to get orders done first.

Anyway, how can I get my positive rating up? It is at 97%. I’ve had quite a few 5 stars the past few months, except maybe one 4 star review, but it still doesn’t seem to be going up any.

Also, I’ve had a few buyers who have ordered but not left any information and I contact them but dont get a reply until the order time is nearly up.

Then it ends up the order is late and I have nothing to deliver because they haven’t given me anything.

That’s also affecting my rating!

What can i do about this? It’s very frustrating.

I really dont like how the positive rating system works!

It’s hard to keep up with it, especially if Fiverr isn’t the only work that you do.

Do you have requirements in place for your gigs?

You are currently a Level 2 Seller with a rating of 4.85. To achieve Top Rated Seller Status, you need to maintain a rating of 4.7 or higher, so you are in fine shape.



Hi, yes i do, but a few buyers have wrote I will get back to you with the information but then the time runs out on the order.


Hi, yes i do, but a few buyers have wrote I will get back to you with the information but then the time runs out on the order.

Dear Shauna:

Let me lay some math on you.

You currently have 328 ratings for an average of 4.85. To keep it simple, I’m going to assume it’s 4.850, not 4.859.

328 x 4.85 = 1590.8.

Now for your next review, you might get 0 stars to 5 stars.

To keep it simple, I’m just discussing the extremes.

If you get a 0 star review, here you go:

1590.8 stars + 0 stars = 1590.8 stars / 329 = 4.835258359

It drops 1.5 points!

If you get a 5 star review:

1590.8 stars + 5 stars = 1595.8 stars / 329 = 4.850455927

It goes up only 0.00046 points!

In other words, your negative rating brings you down far more than your positive rating brings you up.

At your volume of ratings, each individual review affects you only a very small amount.

So stop stressing about that.

In my humble opinion, your focus should be on re-calibrating your gigs, to minimize the incidents of Buyers who do not provide the minimum necessary requirements at THE TIME THEY ORDER.

You might need to invest in a copy writer to help you write your gig descriptions and your gig requirements to achieve this goal.

There are steps you can take, but I’m not the person to give you the practical details for these.

Good luck,



Dear Shauna:

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: Wouldn’t change a thing.
Your log line: Fine as is.
Your profile text – note the edits:

Hi, I’m Shauna. I am a singer / songwriter / musician currently working on my first extended play (EP) release! I provide singing, songwriting, voiceovers and photography right here on Fiverr! Feel free to leave me a message! 🙂

Unless you’ve received a direct blessing from Fiverr, you should probably remove your YouTube channel from your profile page because reasons. Fiverr wants these links in your Portfolio. The genius behind this rule of Fiverr is that while YOU can see your PORTFOLIO as a SELLER, no one can see your Portfolio as a BUYER unless THEY SAY SO. So once you move your YouTube link to your Portfolio, Buyers won’t be able to see it until maybe someday. I’ve never seen a Seller on Fiverr with a Porfolio link that I could see, but maybe someone has. It’s kind of like a unicorn, or something magical like that.

If you don’t understand, try asking in this thread: Fiverrcast Questions.

All your gigs should have video, 3 images, 2 pdfs, and so on…

I took at look at this gig, because you have a typo in the title:

Should be: “I will record a professional female voiceover for anything”

In general, I stand by my previous advice that you hire a copy writer. Apparently it hasn’t been an issue for you, but you should make clear whether you are willing to sing obscene or pornographic stuff that violates the Fiverr Terms of Service, because you claim that you will do voiceovers for anything.

I get that you don’t offer videos for Buyers of this gig, but you’d still be wise to make a video for this gig of you speaking to the camera, just like the video for your “write and record a song” gig. I checked out your audio sample, and I must tell you it starts with 25 seconds of dead air. You need to re-do that.

You should have 3 images for this gig, preferably of you, rather than stock images.

Hey, given that you’re a lyricist, I’d appreciate your feedback on this thread: Let Me Show You I Can Write A Lyric.

Good luck,

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Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]
Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

I suggest you check out Fiverrcast episode 08: Working Through Language Barriers.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist. Please study this thread to better appreciate what I’m talking about here.

Here’s a thread discussing a specific example of a Buyer Request for which I created a gig and then asked for help improving that gig via the forum.

Improve My Gig Checklist
Seller Tip Trilogy
3 Top Tips and Tricks
How Do I Attract Buyers to My Gig?
Buyer Requests 1
Buyer Requests 2
Tips for Non-Native English Speakers
Sellers Instructionals from a Techies POV
Video Tutorial
SEO Idea
54 Sales in Our First Month
7 Tips for Upselling
Social Media Gig Marketing
Managing Buyer Expectations
Gig Tweaks
Digital Copyright
Gig Images
Fiverr’s Cut
Warning Signs of a Potentially Troublesome Buyer
What URLs Can I Use?
Fiverr Terms of Service
How to Make Millions on Fiverr


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