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Tags can make or break your gig - let us optimize them

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I understand the importance of using the right tags in your gig. Without them, you’re relying on Fiverr to either feature you in some way shape or form - or for your customer to go through several pages before finding you. Which makes it less likely that they’ll find you…

So I’m a firm believer in the fact that most of the money you make with your Fiverr gigs will come from people actually SEARCHING for your gigs.

What’s the best way in allowing your customers to find you? Tags.

Now for the suggestion…

I think it would be GREAT if Fiverr had some kind of tracking in place for tags… It can be a combination of these, or standalone features:

-Show which tags are generating the most amount of gig views

-As well as gig conversions…

-Show which tags lead to someone inquiring about your gig.

-Have real time data showing how your tags are performing

I don’t imagine it’d be too hard to implement, as it would likely have to do with cookies and the like. I just think it would be great if we as sellers knew which tags are generating most of our traffic on Fiverr and, more importantly, sales.

Let me know what you think.

Warmest Regards,


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