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Sending Offer Problem?


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darshanc is right, ask them, but I had the same problem you do recently, and I did ask them, and they told me to clear my browser cache…I felt stupid for not having tried that in the first place, but did it, and…tadaa!

Hope it will help you too, if not, back to comment 1. 🙂

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Here a quote from the reply I got from CS to help those who don´t know how:

<<Thank you for contacting us about this. Could you please try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, and let me know if this helps? For your convenience, here are instructions by browser for clearing your cache and cookies.

Google Chrome on Mac, PC
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer

If you are not using Chrome, please note that Fiverr was developed to work optimally with Chrome. If there are any compatibility issues with your current browser, then its something we can look into for you.>>

pasting it here gets rid of the links unfortunately, but you can google that 🙂

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