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Tips for writers on fiverr


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I have noticed that there are more and more writers selling their wares on fiverr. I know that many of you are very good at what you do, and this post is not really for you. I’m speaking here to those that maybe don’t have English as a first language or are really struggling to get gigs. Bear with me as I give you a few ideas on how to make your fiverr presence something that will attract buyers.

  1. Sort out your profile page and gigs

If you want people from the US, UK and Australia to buy your gigs then you really need to be able to convince them that you are up to the job. Undercutting others is one way to be considered but it really isn’t a sustainable way to do business. Instead of trying to compete on price, why not try to compete on quality?

Get someone to look over your profile and gig pages to ensure that they are in perfect English. Nothing puts off a buyer who wants something written that a seller who appears to not be able to write in a style that might work for them.

  1. Consider a proof reader

If your English isn’t up to scratch then why not consider using a proof reader to help get your work up to the required standard? They will charge less to proof-read than you will to write so it is a sound investment. Your customers will get the content that they need (and deserve) while you can get your hands on more orders and establish yourself on fiverr.

  1. Stop spinning!

Spinning websites are terrible and they just don’t work one little bit. Never use them and never, ever subject your customers to them.

You want to be able to connect with your potential customers on their own level. Follow these tips and you will start to get a foothold in the lucrative and interesting world of writing.

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In short, don’t compromise on QUALITY even you’re getting low wages for it. But from daily working, you’ll get more experience and confident in your skills to work for large enterprise and charge them high for the outstanding skills. You should also follow some writing techniques if you want to become a great communicator.

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A Canuck approves too with a big “eh” at the end. The most important take away for all is that if the English in your Gig description is not correct, then money is RUNNING AWAY from you. I help people write correct English Gig descriptions, and the language I see often resembles a bad Henry Moore sculpture the morning of a bad hangover. Perhaps one day Fivver will have a grammar checker working within their text editor.

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