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Maybe she’s an incorruptible? A revived zombie come back to life with a thirst for brains, fame and “free” money. Sensibly, she’s starting off low-key.

Check it out. St. Sylvan is hot. And over 1600 years. Looking good! http://listverse.com/2007/08/21/top-10-incorrupt-corpses/

Yeah I know this has nothing to do with OP. But OP’s question is boring and MT-y.

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They remind me of the movie “Re-animator”. (full movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7OXEL2c9rw)

Saint Silvan was a young man said to have been killed for a his faith in the year 350, and his body is on display in Dubrovnik, Croatia, replete with a fresh-looking gash on his throat said to have been the cause of death. The body appears to be perfect. It is a sculpted effigy — St. Silvan’s actual remains are said to be contained within the box below the effigy. But there is no display signage to explain this to the faithful, and many come away with photographs of what they think is the actual body.

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