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Rate my gig

Guest samsonoluwa2sin

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Guest samsonoluwa2sin

Hi, i just set-up my gig under creative writing and i am a new seller. Please rate my gig, is it attractive enough, or do i need to edit it more. here is a link

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Hello there,

I would rate it 7 as I think the description is pretty good but you should put about the gig first in description and about yourself at second. I think the buyer would like to read about what you are offering or what gig has first.


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I think it’s very specific, you may try to market yourself via social media and other outlets as I feel it’s too targeted to attract sales on Fiverr without some outside marketing efforts. Maybe offering a more generalized short story service, then seeing if anyone is interested in that one may help. It’s a good focus but a bit too targeted for what most people look for as more generalized broad services. Hope this helps 🙂

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Guest samsonoluwa2sin

Thanks@ freelancemm. Your response was very helpful. I made a few adjustments to my descriptions. I hope i dint make it worse. Thanks

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