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Why Can't I Set Up Gig Packages?


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Howdy all. Just before I start, I know a lot of people might suggest that I contact CS about this issue but I don’t want to until I am sure I haven’t missed something as I hate looking stupid.

My question then, is that I have a mix of writing and video gigs but only one of my writing gigs (the poorest performing) has a little notification next to it asking me to set up gig packages.

I ideally I would like to set up a package on my best selling writing gig offering writing and video combined.

My problem is why do I only have the gig packages option for my one lowly gig which hardly ever sells? Are there other writers who are able to use gig packages? Also, why don’t I have this option for any of my video gigs? Did Fiverr forget about me? Or is the packages feature still being rolled out?

Thank you in advance for your responses,


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