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Am i the only one facing this issue?


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Recently i received this mail form fiverr.

Hi hamzaumar,

Unfortunately, based on your recent activity, it seems that your account no longer meets the minimal requirements for the Level Two status. Therefore, we have removed the Level Two badge from your account, along with the features that came with it.

There is nothing we would like more than to see you succeed on Fiverr, and truly hope that you’ll get back in the game soon. For more information, please contact our customer support team here: http://www.fiverr.com/support.

Best of luck,

The Fiverr Team

I don’t know why this happens. I contact the fiverr customer support and they said that you can earn the badges again by doing good work on fiverr…
What does this mean? How can i get my badges back after losing them. Is it even possible?
My gig is not anywhere in the search ho am i supposed to do work in this condition when i will not get any work?

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This can happen for many reasons and you are not the only one. In fact, I know of a couple of TRS who have even lost badges. It can be due to cancellations, large deliveries, or buyers writing to Fiverr with complaints, copied images, ToS violations, etc. I noticed 5 negative reviews overall on one of your gigs.

To get the badge back you need sales with happy buyers, good reviews, on-time deliveries, lowering cancellations, etc. As far as search you need to ask Support.

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Yes! I agree with your idea of warning system. If i am doing wrong they should warn me. As i know i did not did anything wrong. Just ask some buyers for extra time for order because i was ill and was not able to do work properly. The buyers were also agree because i was also providing them free extras for delay. I just don’t know how i am supposed to do good work in future when i will have no work because my gig is dropped by fiverr system and it not in the search anymore. I searched for two days and not able to find it anywhere.

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They said my gig is in the search but i did not receive any new order from new customer. The current order are placed before losing my badges and 4 new orders are from my old regular clients.
Five negative feedback are against 260 positive feedback. This does not make any sense to lose badges from negative feedback. Also my gig is not on any search page so i am unable to got any new orders. 😦

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I am posting this because I am very angry I asked for technical assistance on 26th November because I couldn’t withdraw my funds. I never got the email link that it usually sends and I checked my emails and I was able to receive some emails from fiver but not this one I tried and tried again, I still was not getting them so now I have quite a lot of money on the fiver website that I have not been able to claim even though it says it is available, this is obviously a big worry they have not given any response to me whatsoever so has anyone else had this

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