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I just sent something about this very thing to “Suggestions and Feedback.” When additional information is required to even start a gig, it seems to make more sense that the seller should be the one to start the clock. Oftentimes sellers provide incomplete information or don’t follow instructions.


I know the feeling mate!

I will message constantly but if they do not respond I can’t do anything about it! If I don’t hear back I just deliver on time and beg them to request modifications to let me know what they need changed.

Some people still drop a low rating even if it was their fault. 😦


Reply to @artyemarie: That’s a fantastic idea!

I have had buyers before start the gig clock saying “I’ll send the information ASAP” then I don’t hear from them for days! Very unfair.

I suppose sellers could find a way to abuse it as well, i.e. not starting the clock even if the buyer provided all the information.


Yes I have had the same issue. Usually I deliver based upon what they have with a note saying I will revise upon provision of the need material. That lets me meet my agreement to deliver on time. They usually give me what I need right after I deliver, and then I redeliver. So far, so good.

Only had one case where there was not enough info provided to deliver a base video, luckily they came thru at the last minute and I still made delivery.


I think what needs to be done is that the a basic form of what a seller needs as information must be filled out before a buyer can start the clock.


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