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Quick Tips for Sellers - Optimizing the New Forum 10/15-11/15


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Guest sameerthewriter

We could see the notifications in the old forum but the option is not available in the new Forum. Is the Fiverr team working on it?

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Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed this post and commented. Please remember once more that Tips for Seller is not a catch-all area. The only posts that should be in this category are posts with Tips that apply to all sellers. Questions do not go here in most cases, tips that include self-promotion go in My Fiverr Gigs only and general conversation also has it’s own category. Announcements to let everyone know your new level, your current rating or other fun information about your Fiverr account and gigs should go in Fiverr Stories. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update 2: 11/8-119/15

There is now a follow option on posts as well as an Activity Center that shows you your own activity. Forum mobile issues (a category menu) was addressed earlier today. Please note, these updates may result in some slower loading times and comment import issues temporarily, but please post if you are still seeing issues in a few days.

http://forum.fiverr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Activity-Center-250x66.png http://forum.fiverr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/newforum-follow-250x65.png

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Thanks to Fiverr to add some awesome features and thank you to bring this up in written.
I couldn’t see any video. Can you please suggest me any link for that?
Again, it is a great improvement and very helpful to the users.

Thank you again.

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