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Increase Sales and Become a PHENOMENAL Seller!

Guest thebooklady

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Guest thebooklady

If you’re new to Fiverr or finding that your sales and buyers aren’t coming in as much as you’d like, try these tips:

1.) What Are You PHENOMENAL at?

Some sellers try to sell services they feel are popular. They are focused on money and not service. In turn, they offer a product or service that they’re not very good at. Perhaps someone decides to offer writing services without proper grammatical skills and buyers are turned off by misspellings in the gig description. Perhaps you LOVE writing, but you still need to brush up on your skills.

DO NOT post a gig that you are not exceptionally talented at. Of course there are mediocre sellers on Fiverr making decent money. For some people that level of service may suffice, but if you want to up your game and become a phenomenal seller, you need to figure out what you are genuinely talented at and do that. Are you good at giving business or relationship advice? Do that! Good at editing and proofreading? Do that! Good at design? Do that! You get the idea.

Don’t just slap something together and hope to make money. Take time to figure out your own brand and develop it in a professional manner. Don’t think of Fiverr as an easy way to make cash. Think of Fiverr as a bridge between professionals (you) and consumers (those who need your services). Treat Fiverr as a professional means of generating income and brand yourself solidly from the start.

2.) Give Your Time

Don’t ignore buyers. When they message you prior to an order with a thousand and one questions, you can either answer them promptly and kindly, or ignore them and tell them they need to pay for your time.

Fiverr is about relationships. If you aren’t willing to give your time to someone before they invest in you, why would they want to work with you? If you are treating Fiverr as a selfish way to gain income, you’ll fail. You need to embrace this as an opportunity to connect with others who are in need of your professional services. And therefore, embrace them. Don’t drive away buyers by ignoring them, and please, if they create an order you should reply as soon as you can with a quick, “Thanks for the order,” and be sure to update them throughout your progress. Buyers like communication and if you feel that it’s a waste of time to communicate with them, you will not listen carefully enough to deliver the right product, and perhaps even harm your ratings. Want people to invest in you? Invest in them!

3.) Manage Your Time Wisely

Given the fact that Fiverr’s system could provide you with 100 orders in one day without being able to reject the orders, you need to manage your time successfully. Otherwise you’ll get late orders piling up and unread inbox messages. You don’t want that.

So, here’s how I manage my time:

  • Check and answer messages in the morning from my phone app.
  • Begin work on easiest or 24hr projects first, get those out of the way, and then devote a solid chunk to a larger project.
  • Don’t move on to the next large project until I finish the one I’m working on.
  • Don’t answer messages while I’m working on projects.
  • When I’m done for the day I respond to messages and check often via my phone app. It’s important to me to foster relationships with buyers and I’ve even responded to emails at 2am just to show them I’m committed.
  • Don’t take on a custom offer you know you can’t complete in a timely matter, even if it’s a $1000 job. Don’t be lured in by money if you don’t feel qualified.

    Hope this helps you guys! 🙂 Keep at it and I know you’ll discover success with Fiverr!
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Agree with you everyone must do the work in maximum high level because fiverr is a community of real professionals, I like that every one must concentrate on quality of work but not in cash because if you are the best you will always have buyers, I’m always following that rules. Our sellers is people who came after professional and high quality products so let’s make them happy with final result!

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