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Can I increase conversion using facebook ads?


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Greetings Fiverrs. I’ve been into Fiverr since December 2014 and just now I learned about Facebook ads but I don’t know yet if I can increase sales using the Facebook ads conversion tool or if it’s not against their rules. Anyone experienced in this?

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Guest reinier01

I have tried to use Facebook in all possible ways, but for me it has not worked. I suppose the type of gig has something to do with it, but I have given up on Facebook as a promotional tool. However, I am sure other members have had better luck, so let’s hope they share some of their secrets.

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More advertising changes impressions.

A better sales pitch raises conversions.

Lower prices, leaner deals also raises conversions.

If your product was free you would have very high conversions. So conversions may not be as important.

I did 15 $5 jobs a day when I started. Now I do 2-5 $30-$50 jobs per day. My conversions are lower, but my gross income is up by 300%.

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I wouldn’t recommed it. Facebook will drain your funds and only provide views, not conversions. Try adwords, adbrite, or similar service. One reason why social media advertising through the sites themselves isn’t very effective is because people don’t want to see ads in their social media timelines let alone engage in them. If you do any social media advertising, do it through other users’ accounts. You will get a better response and also more interaction. IMO

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