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Fellow writers - How do you deal with buyers who use unreliable "plagiarism checkers?"


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I’ve seen writers on here include Copyscape premium checks on every article as part of their service. It costs a few cents, but gives an accurate indication that an article hasn’t been plagiarized.

Could be worth considering if you can afford the small cost.

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Reply to @mhwoolz: ok, that sounds legit, especially if you have seen the site. Have you seen your articles posted on his site?

It does sound kind of legit, but I am curious why he is so worried and does not trust you. Even if a buyer is a good client, at a certain point if they are paranoid about everything you do, then you have to cut your losses and just work with clients that are trusting of you. Those are the good kind.

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  • 4 months later...

Reply to @wordpressguruu: Last time I looked at Turnitin it was expensive, designed for use by schools and had even been sued for inaccuracy. For buyers and writers who don’t mess with academic writing Turnitin is worse than useless. I use Copyscape for all my needs and I check my own original work with it before delivery. Even the free version is decent with a high accuracy rate and useful for fiction to content writing and more.

I’m not sure why this older thread was revived but on the general debate I think that most original writing will still show up with some hits due to common phrases. With new buyers I explain this up front and on request I give buyers as screen shot of my Copyscape results.

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