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Is there a way to protect your self from ignorance on fiverr?!


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I read the screenshot of the “dispute” on your feedback, and I’m not hesitant to tell you that you are totally 100% in the wrong. What a rude, disrespectful way to handle a new customer. And now you have the gall to complain about it in the forum? Just when I thought I had seen all the kinds of j@ck@$$ the forum had to offer, here’s a new one.

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Guest itsyourthing
vainpaper said: Just when I thought I had seen all the kinds of j@ck@$$ the forum had to offer, here's a new one.
At least this one had the sense to walk away from the thread. Usually the J@ck@$$es keep going on and on about how awesome they are and how everyone who disagrees with them is obviously inferior and has no business sense or pride in their work. ;)



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Hello guys.


Youre Ok with faulty language, right? Could you try without it?<br /> Otherwise, theres the-ranting-pot

To others…

Thank you for your time and input. I thought Id receive some kind of notification about your responses and just checked in to see it for my self.<br /> <br /> It all began with buyer ignoring my instruction to contact me prior to ordering, which I set just in order to avoid unnecessary cancellations. Hope this explains my request regarding contacting prior to order. I do agree that I should have canceled it instantly but instead I asked for a clarification which lead to my response (commonly recognized here as rude) but I didnt offered just a blank file - I offered White on White, referring to works of Kazimir Malevich.

One other thing is a calling things by their names - this guy is obviously not a buyer but a middle-man looking for new logo designers. Attachment is removed but he clearly stated that he: "like to try out new logo designers :)"

Someone also made a remark about my comment which was misunderstood as me asking to be payed more than just $5. I was stating that Im familiar with that kind of offers but they usually were followed with larger amounts than just $5 (since att. is removed I do hope youd have trust in me that screenshot will prove what Im saying here) Offers which Im referring here are the invitations for a joy ride with clients of any kind. A general, Im not crazy about that and Id rather do something else, but those which I accept are those which are offering some fun for me as well and not just for the initiator of the joy ride. ,)

Please check other reviews on my gig page. How comes so many other people are pleased with my service and this guy is so frustrated? He also didn`t hesitated to use faulty language and then accused me for doing so, which was my main reason to ask for the “feedback” removal.

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Reply to @sincere18:

That was my point (check the title of this thread) and the reason why I asked for his malicious and untrue comments to be removed.

This gig was destined for cancellation from the very beginning, therefore affecting my rating here, and Im supposed to be ok with it just because some guy wanted to try me out?!<br /> <br /> There is no one, among people in need of a logo for their respected businesses, who has came to me and went unsatisfied. But these All Big Entrepreneurs with their visions of my prosperity are something Im not quite alright with, especially if they make plans or conclusions without my consent or prior consultations.

Thank you, sincere18 for taking a part.

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dmaestral said: That was my point (check the title of this thread) and the reason why I asked for his malicious and untrue comments to be removed.


The buyer left this feedback: "Seller was rude and insulting. I ordered a basic 5$ gig for a simple logo, and he proceeded to insult me on not offering more? I said that was 'fine', just provide me a refund. He then send me a "blank" white file and completes the order. COMPLETELY unacceptable."


(also I read your conversation from the link in your response)


What was malicious or untrue?


dmaestral said: This gig was destined for cancellation from the very beginning, therefore affecting my rating here, and I`m supposed to be ok with it just because some guy wanted to try me out?!


Why was it "destined for cancellation from the very beginning?" You're offering to make an animal themed logo in the title for $5. That's what he wanted. He's also acknowledging it would be a very basic design.


And if it is destined to be cancelled, why not just cancel, rather than deliver a blank file?


Just trying to stir the pot?


I don't understand what you were expecting. Was he supposed to then say, "Oh well, I guess I don't get my money back" and walk away? Should he have written you back again to beg, "Please sir, please, give me a refund!"


No. Instead he got pissed off and left you a negative. Predictable, really.

dmaestral said: There is no one, among people in need of a logo for their respected businesses, who has came to me and went unsatisfied.


You have excellent feedback. Apparently, many satisfied customers. It looks like you're normally a successful seller. But this time, it just went bad.


dmaestral said: But these All Big Entrepreneurs with their visions of my prosperity are something I`m not quite alright with, especially if they make plans or conclusions without my consent or prior consultations.


I think he was trying to buy a basic animal themed logo for $5. It is what you're offering - at least that's the impression I get from your title.


I think you should have just cancelled. It would have saved time and would have been less drama - no letters to Fiverr CS, forum threads, etc. :)


Anyway, hope both you and your buyer enjoy better experiences.

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typingservice said: rather than deliver a blank file?


I'm quite surprised the Buyer didn't request modification of the order. It would have been justified. I'd also like to mention that delivering a blank order is a violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service. Sellers are required to deliver proof of completion of services in the order page. The Seller is lucky they haven't faced any repercussions for this from Fiverr.


typingservice said: I`m supposed to be ok with it just because some guy wanted to try me out?!


In my opinion, why the Buyer is placing an order is irrelevant. Example senirio: Starbucks advertises lattes. A new customer hears about it, and orders one to try out. They pay and the barista gives them what they asked for and purchased. The customer drinks it. That's it. This is what it means to be a new customer.


I'm not sure what real complaint is, Fiverr has policies put in place to protect Sellers from Buyers to abuse the system (demanding refunds that are not justified, asking for more work that was not paid for, and/or threatening to leave bad feedback otherwise). If any of these issues arise, that is what Customer Service is there for - bullying and abuse is taken into consideration when it comes to removal of bad feedback. It's just always best to get Customer Service involved as soon as these issues occur, so they can assist in the situation. I've read the conversation in the order from the feedback, and I honestly feel really sorry for the Buyer.


With that said, I think it wouldn't make any sense for a Seller to give a Buyer the 3rd degree about "why" they're ordering their Gig. Sellers define what they'll be providing and delivering in their Gig description - if this is clear, there shouldn't be any issues. If anything, I would recommend having clear revision terms on your Gig to prevent any issues. Fiverr includes this in their 'request modification' policy to protect Sellers who wish to include a revision policy in their Gig description.


From the policy: "If your seller offers revisions, please request modifications and clearly state to them what needs to be revised. If your seller doesn’t offer revisions, or mentions it in their Gig description, please revisit what materials and instructions were sent to them and communicate your concerns to them."


I would apologize to the Buyer for the way they were spoken to and how the order was handled, offer a refund and hope they accept.

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Reply to @dmaestral: I’m flattered that I got my own paragraph. 🙂

In all seriousness, you might want to consider not seeing every malfunction or less-than-flawless order as a personal attack. You use the word “malicious” when you get anything resembling negative feedback, and that’s not a healthy mindset to have with Fiverr. It’s an ‘agency’ and it has its own systems that you have to work with.

In the above example the seller did nothing wrong and quite literally described their experience in their feedback. There was no attack or malice. You fully corroborate their experience with your screen shots.

No matter how precisely you want your specific instructions followed, there is no guarantee that they will be adhered to with zealous perfection. Fiverr itself has things in place to override sellers’ guidelines.

Stop trying so hard to validate your processes and actions. This is Fiverr, it’s not worth the aggravation for anyone.

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Reply to @typingservice:

Im experienced professional, online and offline, and as you could see - usually I have no problems here in working with people. Decent people, shall I add.<br /> <br /> Once again, Ill point out that this guy clearly wanted just to try out my services, therefore he is not actually buying a logo but offering proposal for collaboration if I meet his “what ever”. Since I was not overwhelmed with his approach and proposal I shall suffer consequences?! Right ,)

typingservice said: "Seller was rude and insulting. I ordered a basic 5$ gig for a simple logo, and he proceeded to insult me on not offering more? I said that was 'fine', just provide me a refund. He then send me a "blank" white file and completes the order. COMPLETELY unacceptable."

Here`s the thing. How it really started...

Among default messages when you initiate my gig:
If you`re not satisfied with the initial concepts I would not consider you obliged to continue further, but in this case I retain all copyrights on these designs. That means you`re not allowed to use these designs in part(s) or as a whole.
I'm at your disposal for additional information.
"buyer" filled textbox with this:
Hi, I'm looking for a simple logo of a phoenix with a heart. Something simple yet inspirational, black and white is fine :) The company name is "DIRE".

Requested info:
What is the name of your business?
Could you provide examples of preferred logo and font style?
In short, describe your business:
"buyer" responded with:
This is just for fun at this point, but the concept is to be inspirational. I will let you be creative :)

My first response on these traces of order...
just because of situations like this I recommended to be contacted prior to ordering but since we`re here...

If I give you two numbers for a safe lock, containing only two digits - you`ll end up with just two possible combinations. If I hear two terms I`ll never end up with visual combinations or visualizations.

Hope you`ll find some time to explain me what are you after.

Don`t get me wrong, I`m familiar with your approach, only this far and in my experience it was usually followed with more than just one digit after dollar sign (zeros excluded ,) Let me know if you`re interested to hear how imaginative I can be :)
*I have provided an explanation of this last portion above
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Reply to @itsyourthing:

Im flattered with your display of manners. Appreciated.<br /> <br /> Maliciousness which I mention is demonstrated in misinterpretation and false accusations (hes the one who used faulty language). Also, ignoring my instructions putts me in position to chose between bad “feedback” or cancellation. Its illcommunication from the very beginning (shall I repeat that this was not regular order but clearly /worst ever/ proposal for collaboration?).<br /> <br /> Theres nothing personal here but I had doubts about the mentioned mindset. I have a lot less now.

Thank you for your input. Truly appreciated. I hear you, I feel you but I had to see if its really like that. After all - youve changed tone ,) I`m more than satisfied with just that fact.

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Reply to @dmaestral:

dmaestral said: Also, ignoring my instructions putts me in position to chose between bad "feedback" or cancellation.
For me personally, this isn't a conundrum. I don't hesitate to cancel. My Fiverr M.O. is to control whatever I can (when Fiverr lets me) and to dismiss whatever I can't (when Fiverr lets me).

I truly do offer excellent service for my fees, so if I catch the slightest whiff that a buyer is unreasonable, I'll cut the potential risk in a New York minute.

There are plenty of sellers who offer complete crap that have lousy reviews and ratings to show for it - but they keep making sales. I just can't believe that any particular aspect of using Fiverr has much of a bearing on being successful here. The systems are too flawed, there are far too many inconsistencies and far too many bugs.

I won't allow my professional reputation to be damaged here, but this definitely isn't the place to build it.
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Reply to @kay2809: Haha! Thanks for the unplanned recommendation. This is exactly why I sell forum posting and social media gigs. Fast, informative and fun!

Maybe I should start offering an “I will stop posting on the Fiverr forum for $5” gig. Do you want any extras with that, @kay2809? 😉

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