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Urgent Help needed ... :(

Guest saveara

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Guest saveara

I don’t understand why rating of my gig has fallen 😦 I always provide best work to my clients. Why this happened to me? Please help me understand my problem

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I agree with tictac7, if you have a client that is not happy with your work, you need to talk it over and see if there is any way to fix it. They might give you a chance to do that, and if so, take it and do your absolute best to get it the exact way they want it.

What you might want to do before starting the order is message them and make absolutely sure you’re understanding what they are wanting. I know most buyers post it when they order a gig, but sometimes (and this has happened to me once) they will tell you, but it’s not quite clear. Or it’s clear to them, and when you deliver the order, they tell you it wasn’t exactly as they were wanting. That’s when you message them and ask if there is any way you can modify the order to their expectations. Most buyers will give you the opportunity to make it right, unless you did a really bad job the first time.

Keep at it and the biggest thing is just to make sure you understand exactly what they want.


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Guest saveara

Reply to @ellaisreading: Yes, twice it happened to me that i was really busy in my exam and i could not deliver my order on time. When i came back on fiverr i saw my rating was down. So i messaged my client. I requested her to take back if she has given me thumb down. She explained it to me that she didn’t. My order was late so may be fiverr has down rated my gig and canceled it in the end. Although my client was very co-operating and she ordered two more gigs. Now again it’s happening to me. What you think i should do? Should i delete my gig and re-create it? Cause i may have been late in delivering my gig but i always do best for my clients. Now what i should do to make my gig okay again. I don’t think that people are gonna buy my gig with this rating 😦

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@saveara, I honestly don’t know what to tell you on that. You might want to check the fiverr guidelines on deleting/creating a new gig. I don’t think it will matter, but double check first.

Sorry it’s happened again! I guess in the future, if you know you’re going to have time to work on gigs, mark yourself on “vacation” and that will let buyers know that you aren’t available at that time.

Good luck!

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