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Hi everyone my name is Jenn - on fiverr I am “veghead_jenn” (http://fiverr.com/veghead_jenn). I joined Fiverr approx 2 years ago for something to supplement my income and to entertain me while I was on maternity leave. I quickly realized I could make some good $ on here. I started off offering video testimonials and reviews however I soon added additional gigs which draw on my Human Resources experience-eg: cover letter and resume reviews, writing letters of recommendation and providing interview tips. I also offer written reviews and reading blog posts now as well. I love buying and selling on Fiverr. I’ve met some great people and am now approaching $10 000 in revenues now without even really marketing my gigs. I have lots of repeat clients and referrals and I think being a Top Seller really helps too. I love Fiverr and look forward to meeting many more wonderful sellers and buyers worldwide.

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Hello all, I just found this section. My name is Gani. I joined Fiverr 2 years ago and get some experience in here. I work as freelance in video promotion maker and just got my level 2 seller this year. I ever got nice buyer who give me multiple order in the middle of this year and this made me happy. Before in Fiverr, I work myself as freelance video maker and have been involved in making wedding videos with my friends. So after I join Fiverr, I tried to bring my offline experience into online and offer video creation service i Fiverr and in my local community. My new gig will launch in a few days later and its about making gig video. Hope this gig will help you to promote your gig. If anyone need Fiverr gig promotion, you can click my profile 🙂



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Hello all, I just found this section. My name is Gani. I joined Fiverr 2 years ago and get some experience in here. I work as freelance in video promotion maker and just got my level 2 seller this year. I ever got nice buyer who give me multiple order in the middle of this year and this made me happy. Before in Fiverr, I work myself as freelance video maker and have been involved in making wedding videos with my friends. So after I join Fiverr, I tried to bring my offline experience into online and offer video creation service i Fiverr and in my local community. My new gig will launch in a few days later and its about making gig video. Hope this gig will help you to promote your gig. If anyone need Fiverr gig promotion, you can click my profile 🙂



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Hello all, I just found this section. My name is Gani. I joined Fiverr 2 years ago and get some experience in here. I work as freelance in video promotion maker and just got my level 2 seller this year. I ever got nice buyer who give me multiple order in the middle of this year and this made me happy. Before in Fiverr, I work myself as freelance video maker and have been involved in making wedding videos with my friends. So after I join Fiverr, I tried to bring my offline experience into online and offer video creation service i Fiverr and in my local community. My new gig will launch in a few days later and its about making gig video. Hope this gig will help you to promote your gig. If anyone need Fiverr gig promotion, you can click my profile 🙂



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Hello all, I just found this section. My name is Gani. I joined Fiverr 2 years ago and get some experience in here. I work as freelance in video promotion maker and just got my level 2 seller this year. I ever got nice buyer who give me multiple order in the middle of this year and this made me happy. Before in Fiverr, I work myself as freelance video maker and have been involved in making wedding videos with my friends. So after I join Fiverr, I tried to bring my offline experience into online and offer video creation service i Fiverr and in my local community. My new gig will launch in a few days later and its about making gig video. Hope this gig will help you to promote your gig. If anyone need Fiverr gig promotion, you can click my profile 🙂



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Hello all, I just found this section. My name is Gani. I joined Fiverr 2 years ago and get some experience in here. I work as freelance in video promotion maker and just got my level 2 seller this year. I ever got nice buyer who give me multiple order in the middle of this year and this made me happy. Before in Fiverr, I work myself as freelance video maker and have been involved in making wedding videos with my friends. So after I join Fiverr, I tried to bring my offline experience into online and offer video creation service i Fiverr and in my local community. My new gig will launch in a few days later and its about making gig video. Hope this gig will help you to promote your gig. If anyone need Fiverr gig promotion, you can click my profile 🙂



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Hello there!

My name is Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt (a young and fresh Internet Marketer-Swede with an awesome British-like accent when I speak English ^^,

I got into the world of Fiverr for about 2 years ago when a friend of mine had introduced me to the fascinating world of Internet Marketing.

At first I was skeptical and also unsure of what “little I” could provide the gigantic and competitive market of Fiverr?

But I thought to myself, “Okay, how do I want to go about this? Do I want to brand myself here or do I just want try to make some fast bucks?”.

After a lot of thinking I decided to myself to view Fiverr as a “place to brand myself as an internet marketer” so I will be able to make bigger and bigger business transactions in the future.

I decided my name to be “MaxTheMarketer” as my name is Max and I want to brand myself and my products and services as marketing-related.

So, there I am! At Fiverr with my new account and about to create my very first gig, I thought to myself, “What can I provide to people that other cannot and what I can provide that they also might need or want?”.

Here, my simple gigs such as “English to Swedish” and “Swedish to English” gigs were born where I have a dozens of happy consumers that I will gladly help again as I only do human translations.

To be completely honest with you, I find it very disgraceful to use anything else than human translation in translations-gigs, I mean, what are people after? Generating bad reputation for their Fiverr-account and possible brand in the future? xD

I joined Fiverr to collect good reputation for my brand (MaxTheMarketer) for future business transactions so to speak. Therefore I ONLY do human translations since I will then be able to check the grammar, spelling and that the text look semantically correct.

However, my biggest breakthrough on Fiverr in terms of sales and brand-building “MaxTheMarketer”, is my “I Will Format Your Microsoft Word Document To a Professionally Awesome eBook”-gig.

It just so happened to be that I had a couple of eBook templates on my computer as I had always been interested in certain types of creative creations in web-design and eBook formatting.

I thought to myself, “Well, let me just try to create a gig and see what happens!” and the response was amazing. People was really looking to improve their eBooks with formatting.

As the popularity grew, I started to learn Kindle and ePub formatting so I could provide those as “Extra Gigs”.

And here I am with over 160+ happy consumers and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and happier that I have helped so many people turning their eBooks into awesome-looking eBooks they now can sell without worrying them looking amateurish.

I have recently expanded my repertoire of gigs with a “Amazon Review”-gig where I will write high quality SEO-based reviews for people’s Kindle eBooks since Amazon will rate 5-stars eBooks higher up in search results.

As of today, I am working on my website and I might very well buy a Wordpress template here from someone very experienced so I can create a clean, professional and valuable website where interested people can make more business with me.

I want to personally thank and acknowledge my friend Jon Alfredsson who introduced me to the world of Internet Marketing and more importantly, Fiverr. I also want to thank you Fiverr for an amazing and brilliant idea of being the medium of buyers and sellers of cheap products and services known as “gigs”.

I wish I had come up with that idea first! xD

Anyhow, that is my “short” story of I got here in the first place, and where I am going in the future! Just message me if you want to discuss Fiverr-business.

Take Care & Have An Awesome Day! / Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt.

P.S. I have voted on Fiverr for nomination as “Best International Startup” make sure you do it too! Show your support for Fiverr, particularly if it has helped tremendously economically! 😉

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Hello there!

My name is Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt (a young and fresh Internet Marketer-Swede with an awesome British-like accent when I speak English ^^,

I got into the world of Fiverr for about 2 years ago when a friend of mine had introduced me to the fascinating world of Internet Marketing.

At first I was skeptical and also unsure of what “little I” could provide the gigantic and competitive market of Fiverr?

But I thought to myself, “Okay, how do I want to go about this? Do I want to brand myself here or do I just want try to make some fast bucks?”.

After a lot of thinking I decided to myself to view Fiverr as a “place to brand myself as an internet marketer” so I will be able to make bigger and bigger business transactions in the future.

I decided my name to be “MaxTheMarketer” as my name is Max and I want to brand myself and my products and services as marketing-related.

So, there I am! At Fiverr with my new account and about to create my very first gig, I thought to myself, “What can I provide to people that other cannot and what I can provide that they also might need or want?”.

Here, my simple gigs such as “English to Swedish” and “Swedish to English” gigs were born where I have a dozens of happy consumers that I will gladly help again as I only do human translations.

To be completely honest with you, I find it very disgraceful to use anything else than human translation in translations-gigs, I mean, what are people after? Generating bad reputation for their Fiverr-account and possible brand in the future? xD

I joined Fiverr to collect good reputation for my brand (MaxTheMarketer) for future business transactions so to speak. Therefore I ONLY do human translations since I will then be able to check the grammar, spelling and that the text look semantically correct.

However, my biggest breakthrough on Fiverr in terms of sales and brand-building “MaxTheMarketer”, is my “I Will Format Your Microsoft Word Document To a Professionally Awesome eBook”-gig.

It just so happened to be that I had a couple of eBook templates on my computer as I had always been interested in certain types of creative creations in web-design and eBook formatting.

I thought to myself, “Well, let me just try to create a gig and see what happens!” and the response was amazing. People was really looking to improve their eBooks with formatting.

As the popularity grew, I started to learn Kindle and ePub formatting so I could provide those as “Extra Gigs”.

And here I am with over 160+ happy consumers and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and happier that I have helped so many people turning their eBooks into awesome-looking eBooks they now can sell without worrying them looking amateurish.

I have recently expanded my repertoire of gigs with a “Amazon Review”-gig where I will write high quality SEO-based reviews for people’s Kindle eBooks since Amazon will rate 5-stars eBooks higher up in search results.

As of today, I am working on my website and I might very well buy a Wordpress template here from someone very experienced so I can create a clean, professional and valuable website where interested people can make more business with me.

I want to personally thank and acknowledge my friend Jon Alfredsson who introduced me to the world of Internet Marketing and more importantly, Fiverr. I also want to thank you Fiverr for an amazing and brilliant idea of being the medium of buyers and sellers of cheap products and services known as “gigs”.

I wish I had come up with that idea first! xD

Anyhow, that is my “short” story of I got here in the first place, and where I am going in the future! Just message me if you want to discuss Fiverr-business.

Take Care & Have An Awesome Day! / Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt.

P.S. I have voted on Fiverr for nomination as “Best International Startup” make sure you do it too! Show your support for Fiverr, particularly if it has helped tremendously economically! 😉

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Hello there!

My name is Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt (a young and fresh Internet Marketer-Swede with an awesome British-like accent when I speak English ^^,

I got into the world of Fiverr for about 2 years ago when a friend of mine had introduced me to the fascinating world of Internet Marketing.

At first I was skeptical and also unsure of what “little I” could provide the gigantic and competitive market of Fiverr?

But I thought to myself, “Okay, how do I want to go about this? Do I want to brand myself here or do I just want try to make some fast bucks?”.

After a lot of thinking I decided to myself to view Fiverr as a “place to brand myself as an internet marketer” so I will be able to make bigger and bigger business transactions in the future.

I decided my name to be “MaxTheMarketer” as my name is Max and I want to brand myself and my products and services as marketing-related.

So, there I am! At Fiverr with my new account and about to create my very first gig, I thought to myself, “What can I provide to people that other cannot and what I can provide that they also might need or want?”.

Here, my simple gigs such as “English to Swedish” and “Swedish to English” gigs were born where I have a dozens of happy consumers that I will gladly help again as I only do human translations.

To be completely honest with you, I find it very disgraceful to use anything else than human translation in translations-gigs, I mean, what are people after? Generating bad reputation for their Fiverr-account and possible brand in the future? xD

I joined Fiverr to collect good reputation for my brand (MaxTheMarketer) for future business transactions so to speak. Therefore I ONLY do human translations since I will then be able to check the grammar, spelling and that the text look semantically correct.

However, my biggest breakthrough on Fiverr in terms of sales and brand-building “MaxTheMarketer”, is my “I Will Format Your Microsoft Word Document To a Professionally Awesome eBook”-gig.

It just so happened to be that I had a couple of eBook templates on my computer as I had always been interested in certain types of creative creations in web-design and eBook formatting.

I thought to myself, “Well, let me just try to create a gig and see what happens!” and the response was amazing. People was really looking to improve their eBooks with formatting.

As the popularity grew, I started to learn Kindle and ePub formatting so I could provide those as “Extra Gigs”.

And here I am with over 160+ happy consumers and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and happier that I have helped so many people turning their eBooks into awesome-looking eBooks they now can sell without worrying them looking amateurish.

I have recently expanded my repertoire of gigs with a “Amazon Review”-gig where I will write high quality SEO-based reviews for people’s Kindle eBooks since Amazon will rate 5-stars eBooks higher up in search results.

As of today, I am working on my website and I might very well buy a Wordpress template here from someone very experienced so I can create a clean, professional and valuable website where interested people can make more business with me.

I want to personally thank and acknowledge my friend Jon Alfredsson who introduced me to the world of Internet Marketing and more importantly, Fiverr. I also want to thank you Fiverr for an amazing and brilliant idea of being the medium of buyers and sellers of cheap products and services known as “gigs”.

I wish I had come up with that idea first! xD

Anyhow, that is my “short” story of I got here in the first place, and where I am going in the future! Just message me if you want to discuss Fiverr-business.

Take Care & Have An Awesome Day! / Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt.

P.S. I have voted on Fiverr for nomination as “Best International Startup” make sure you do it too! Show your support for Fiverr, particularly if it has helped tremendously economically! 😉

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Hello there!

My name is Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt (a young and fresh Internet Marketer-Swede with an awesome British-like accent when I speak English ^^,

I got into the world of Fiverr for about 2 years ago when a friend of mine had introduced me to the fascinating world of Internet Marketing.

At first I was skeptical and also unsure of what “little I” could provide the gigantic and competitive market of Fiverr?

But I thought to myself, “Okay, how do I want to go about this? Do I want to brand myself here or do I just want try to make some fast bucks?”.

After a lot of thinking I decided to myself to view Fiverr as a “place to brand myself as an internet marketer” so I will be able to make bigger and bigger business transactions in the future.

I decided my name to be “MaxTheMarketer” as my name is Max and I want to brand myself and my products and services as marketing-related.

So, there I am! At Fiverr with my new account and about to create my very first gig, I thought to myself, “What can I provide to people that other cannot and what I can provide that they also might need or want?”.

Here, my simple gigs such as “English to Swedish” and “Swedish to English” gigs were born where I have a dozens of happy consumers that I will gladly help again as I only do human translations.

To be completely honest with you, I find it very disgraceful to use anything else than human translation in translations-gigs, I mean, what are people after? Generating bad reputation for their Fiverr-account and possible brand in the future? xD

I joined Fiverr to collect good reputation for my brand (MaxTheMarketer) for future business transactions so to speak. Therefore I ONLY do human translations since I will then be able to check the grammar, spelling and that the text look semantically correct.

However, my biggest breakthrough on Fiverr in terms of sales and brand-building “MaxTheMarketer”, is my “I Will Format Your Microsoft Word Document To a Professionally Awesome eBook”-gig.

It just so happened to be that I had a couple of eBook templates on my computer as I had always been interested in certain types of creative creations in web-design and eBook formatting.

I thought to myself, “Well, let me just try to create a gig and see what happens!” and the response was amazing. People was really looking to improve their eBooks with formatting.

As the popularity grew, I started to learn Kindle and ePub formatting so I could provide those as “Extra Gigs”.

And here I am with over 160+ happy consumers and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and happier that I have helped so many people turning their eBooks into awesome-looking eBooks they now can sell without worrying them looking amateurish.

I have recently expanded my repertoire of gigs with a “Amazon Review”-gig where I will write high quality SEO-based reviews for people’s Kindle eBooks since Amazon will rate 5-stars eBooks higher up in search results.

As of today, I am working on my website and I might very well buy a Wordpress template here from someone very experienced so I can create a clean, professional and valuable website where interested people can make more business with me.

I want to personally thank and acknowledge my friend Jon Alfredsson who introduced me to the world of Internet Marketing and more importantly, Fiverr. I also want to thank you Fiverr for an amazing and brilliant idea of being the medium of buyers and sellers of cheap products and services known as “gigs”.

I wish I had come up with that idea first! xD

Anyhow, that is my “short” story of I got here in the first place, and where I am going in the future! Just message me if you want to discuss Fiverr-business.

Take Care & Have An Awesome Day! / Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt.

P.S. I have voted on Fiverr for nomination as “Best International Startup” make sure you do it too! Show your support for Fiverr, particularly if it has helped tremendously economically! 😉

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Hello there!

My name is Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt (a young and fresh Internet Marketer-Swede with an awesome British-like accent when I speak English ^^,

I got into the world of Fiverr for about 2 years ago when a friend of mine had introduced me to the fascinating world of Internet Marketing.

At first I was skeptical and also unsure of what “little I” could provide the gigantic and competitive market of Fiverr?

But I thought to myself, “Okay, how do I want to go about this? Do I want to brand myself here or do I just want try to make some fast bucks?”.

After a lot of thinking I decided to myself to view Fiverr as a “place to brand myself as an internet marketer” so I will be able to make bigger and bigger business transactions in the future.

I decided my name to be “MaxTheMarketer” as my name is Max and I want to brand myself and my products and services as marketing-related.

So, there I am! At Fiverr with my new account and about to create my very first gig, I thought to myself, “What can I provide to people that other cannot and what I can provide that they also might need or want?”.

Here, my simple gigs such as “English to Swedish” and “Swedish to English” gigs were born where I have a dozens of happy consumers that I will gladly help again as I only do human translations.

To be completely honest with you, I find it very disgraceful to use anything else than human translation in translations-gigs, I mean, what are people after? Generating bad reputation for their Fiverr-account and possible brand in the future? xD

I joined Fiverr to collect good reputation for my brand (MaxTheMarketer) for future business transactions so to speak. Therefore I ONLY do human translations since I will then be able to check the grammar, spelling and that the text look semantically correct.

However, my biggest breakthrough on Fiverr in terms of sales and brand-building “MaxTheMarketer”, is my “I Will Format Your Microsoft Word Document To a Professionally Awesome eBook”-gig.

It just so happened to be that I had a couple of eBook templates on my computer as I had always been interested in certain types of creative creations in web-design and eBook formatting.

I thought to myself, “Well, let me just try to create a gig and see what happens!” and the response was amazing. People was really looking to improve their eBooks with formatting.

As the popularity grew, I started to learn Kindle and ePub formatting so I could provide those as “Extra Gigs”.

And here I am with over 160+ happy consumers and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and happier that I have helped so many people turning their eBooks into awesome-looking eBooks they now can sell without worrying them looking amateurish.

I have recently expanded my repertoire of gigs with a “Amazon Review”-gig where I will write high quality SEO-based reviews for people’s Kindle eBooks since Amazon will rate 5-stars eBooks higher up in search results.

As of today, I am working on my website and I might very well buy a Wordpress template here from someone very experienced so I can create a clean, professional and valuable website where interested people can make more business with me.

I want to personally thank and acknowledge my friend Jon Alfredsson who introduced me to the world of Internet Marketing and more importantly, Fiverr. I also want to thank you Fiverr for an amazing and brilliant idea of being the medium of buyers and sellers of cheap products and services known as “gigs”.

I wish I had come up with that idea first! xD

Anyhow, that is my “short” story of I got here in the first place, and where I am going in the future! Just message me if you want to discuss Fiverr-business.

Take Care & Have An Awesome Day! / Max “MaxTheMarketer” Karlstedt.

P.S. I have voted on Fiverr for nomination as “Best International Startup” make sure you do it too! Show your support for Fiverr, particularly if it has helped tremendously economically! 😉

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Hi I am Ribbons the clown and I am VERY new to Fiverr. I am thinking of asking my husband to buy something from me to how it all works and if I can upgrade anything. I have lots of ideas. I have checked out a few people who do similer things. I have a few questions

  1. Does our gig intro video have to be less than 30 secs?
  2. How does the customer get their videos I make for them? I have “DropBox” will that work or do I just upload them here?
  3. Can I post my Fiverr video intro for gigs on my You-Tube and my web blog?
  4. Where do I find more of ths forum? It seems to only have two threads?

    Ribbons the clown
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Hi I am Ribbons the clown and I am VERY new to Fiverr. I am thinking of asking my husband to buy something from me to how it all works and if I can upgrade anything. I have lots of ideas. I have checked out a few people who do similer things. I have a few questions

  1. Does our gig intro video have to be less than 30 secs?
  2. How does the customer get their videos I make for them? I have “DropBox” will that work or do I just upload them here?
  3. Can I post my Fiverr video intro for gigs on my You-Tube and my web blog?
  4. Where do I find more of ths forum? It seems to only have two threads?

    Ribbons the clown
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Hi I am Ribbons the clown and I am VERY new to Fiverr. I am thinking of asking my husband to buy something from me to how it all works and if I can upgrade anything. I have lots of ideas. I have checked out a few people who do similer things. I have a few questions

  1. Does our gig intro video have to be less than 30 secs?
  2. How does the customer get their videos I make for them? I have “DropBox” will that work or do I just upload them here?
  3. Can I post my Fiverr video intro for gigs on my You-Tube and my web blog?
  4. Where do I find more of ths forum? It seems to only have two threads?

    Ribbons the clown
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Hi I am Ribbons the clown and I am VERY new to Fiverr. I am thinking of asking my husband to buy something from me to how it all works and if I can upgrade anything. I have lots of ideas. I have checked out a few people who do similer things. I have a few questions

  1. Does our gig intro video have to be less than 30 secs?
  2. How does the customer get their videos I make for them? I have “DropBox” will that work or do I just upload them here?
  3. Can I post my Fiverr video intro for gigs on my You-Tube and my web blog?
  4. Where do I find more of ths forum? It seems to only have two threads?

    Ribbons the clown
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