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Ciao, mi piacerebbe scambiare 2 chiacchiere con un Fiverr Seller italiano

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Ciao, come da titolo sto cercando un Fiverr Seller con la quale scambiare 2 parole..essendo che sono entrato da poco e mi ci sto cimentando appunto da poco tempo, mi servirebbe capire come iniziare a vendere il mio prodotto da video editor..se ci fosse un'anima pia che potesse spiegarmi determinate cose di qui ne sarei infinitamente grato! 

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4 hours ago, andreadamico271 said:

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Hi, as the title suggests, I'm looking for a Fiverr Seller with whom I can have a chat..since I've just joined and I've only been trying my hand at it for a short time, I need to understand how to start selling my product as a video editor..if If there were a pious soul who could explain certain things to me I would be infinitely grateful!

If you find someone willing to chat with you here in the forums, that's fine, but do NOT contact other Sellers on the main Fiverr platform asking for help with your profile or gigs, as that's against the Fiverr ToS.

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