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When I search to see what page I'm on in fiverr and select Online now I can't find my gig if I search to see what page my gig is on. Even if I am online now I still can't find my gig but if I search without selecting not online I can find my gig so what is the reason please can someone tell me.

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sis, I found my gig. But I am online then my gig is not seen among people online. But Find my gig with people who are not online. Even though I am online. My gig is on page number 2. Please give me a solution.

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Posted (edited)

By using Social media platforms like FB Page, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc, we could get Fruitful results on Fiverr.

Remember your Social Accounts should be related to Your Fiverr Skills and Service.

Edited by arshaddesigns15
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Posted (edited)

Yes but Remember you should have creat FB Page/Linked Profile separately from Your personal Accounts. Like it can be as "The Designer Master Ali" etc. 

By sharing Gig Link in Your Personal Account, You will not get good results on Fiverr Account.

Edited by arshaddesigns15
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1 hour ago, jannat753 said:

Hello Guys,

If someone gives a love favorite on the gig, will the impressions click on the gig, if the gig is exchanged? 

No. Favorites/Bookmarks has nothing to do with the impressions or click not even orders.

Impressions and clicks actually tells you the performance of your gig. If they are increasing then it means your gigs are being shown to the buyers.. If not, then it means your gig is not performing well and have zero capability to garb buyer's attention so Favorites/Bookmarks is not related to it. 

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

No. Favorites/Bookmarks has nothing to do with the impressions or click not even orders. 

You're breaking their hearts!! 💔😂

OP's gig has been bookmarked 369 times. 🙄


Edited by priyank_mod
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5 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

You're breaking their hearts!! 💔😂

Means I am doing well at it :classic_ninja::classic_laugh: 

So what if that gig has 369 Favorites but still her impressions/clicks are not increasing. :classic_rolleyes: 

She should have known the answer by now! 

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I glanced at your profile. While a few of the animations are passable, most were a bit too stiff, or too fast, or the components didn't fit together.

There are fewer buyers on Fiverr, and many who remain are looking for higher quality. 

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6 hours ago, imagination7413 said:




I glanced at your profile. While a few of the animations are passable, most were a bit too stiff, or too fast, or the components didn't fit together.

There are fewer buyers on Fiverr, and many who remain are looking for higher quality. 

So should I update my animation video?

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17 hours ago, jannat753 said:

So should I update my animation video?

Not quite. You need to make better samples, first. Stock material isn't 'unique' nor is it 'custom' as you claim in your gig.

Quick question: How long have you been studying animation?

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