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Fiverr been a blessing


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4 years ago, I lost my job. For 2 years, I been living with the help of other people. One day, a friend of mine suggested to find a work online. Tried every online work from being paid by clicking to liking facebook. Tried also several job sites but none of them works for me. I experience of not being paid several times.

Til one day, I accidently discovered fiverr. Registered and posted my first gig. Days have passed no one ordered my gig. By leap of faith, went to different forums and posted my fiverr gigs till my gig was discovered.

Fast-forward today, now a full time fiverr worker. I earn more than any average worker in my area. Bought a brand new car with the help of my fiverr income.

With fiverr, my talent/skills are being used to its fullest potential.

Thanx fiverr.

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