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how many clicks need to get order from fiverr? Approximately



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Getting orders not really depends on numbers of impressions and clicks. If buyers are conviced about what they see on your gigs, profile and portfolio, they see that you have the right skills for their project; then, they will order from you. Many buyers also share details in chat before ordering so that they will know that you really understand their projects, and to see your communication skills.

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On 10/10/2023 at 9:41 AM, priyank_mod said:

There is no precise proven analytics behind this because it varies for everyone depending upon the quality of the gig, service category, competition, market scenario, other sellers' performance and a million other factors!! e.g. someone with 500 impressions might get 5 orders while someone with 8000 impressions might have zero orders. 

Contrary to what many will tell/misguide you - the count of impressions+clicks don't always guarantee orders. Every business needs a little stroke of 'beginner's luck' too.  

Just sharing my other post here in reply to your query. 😇

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It does not depend on how many clicks,

  1. You need to use attractive images to gig.
  2. You have to use Powerful keywords related to your gig categories.
  3. Create a full detailed description for the gig.
  4. Also if you have a portfolio enter it into fiverr portfolio it will help so much to get orders.
  5. The next thing is to create two or more gigs to the same category using different titles and descriptions.

use these tips you will get you

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2 hours ago, coderlucky7 said:

It does not depend on how many clicks,

  1. You need to use attractive images to gig.
  2. You have to use Powerful keywords related to your gig categories.
  3. Create a full detailed description for the gig.
  4. Also if you have a portfolio enter it into fiverr portfolio it will help so much to get orders.
  5. The next thing is to create two or more gigs to the same category using different titles and descriptions.

use these tips you will get you


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