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How individual freelancers compete with companies ?


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Hi, I was just wondering how individual freelancers compete with companies , so say I offer a gig, that provides a service but then there is a competing gig that says I have 100 people working with me and offers the same service, how can individual sellers compete with such a scenario, any tips will be most welcome …

I am asking as when I analysed gigs specifically in IT niche I found pretty much all top seller being companies then individuals …


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This question can be answered by asking... "What is the benefits of a small business over a larger one."


A small company has the benefit of being able to niche down and provide a more personable experience for the client. As a solo business you should niche down and think about what you offer to clients. The advantage of being a solo business is that you can add your own personality into your work and make sure the client is happy to your own standards, not someone else's.



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As an individual seller you can offer shorter communication times; in agencies or larger companies, clients are often connected to a project manager who then has to relay feedback to the design team. Efficiency and speed are your strengths because you're more flexible than a large company.
Larger companies have more overhead, leading to relatively high prices for smaller projects. Individual freelancers -hopefully- have fewer business expenses, so you'll probably win over the smaller clients by competing on price.

You may not always be able to beat them for the bigger, high-end clients, because you lack the manpower and versatility, but you will be able to generate a steady revenue in your niche with returning, smaller clients.

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Thanks , yes I totally understand the point of clients having to relay their requirements in big organisations despite the fact that the communication platform are open of all team members of the specific project, the cost effectiveness is also very true, I do feel that with design tools becoming more and more powerful even individual developers not so good at designing can come up with great designs , especially using tools like Figma and Midjourney, even on the backend side platforms like Firebase provide developers with an all in one easy to integrate solutions…

Its more a question of finding a client that can sync with this thought process and scale with the individual freelancer and also for the freelancer to continuously grow and get better, I guess the role of AI tools can prove to be a game changes for individual freelancers as they can communicate and interact with the AI tool as they would other wise with their colleagues in companies ….

Having just left the corporate world for a freelancing career I have witnesses how critical ChatGPT had already become ….

These have been  very reassuring few responses from fellow fiverr freelancers abut my query..

Thanks again

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Hi, I am no expert or senior at Fiverr , but I have also spent more then one month now with out an order, the issue is till new sellers are not allowed to provide at least their basic gig "Free" to some top buyers, there is no way they can compete with large companies and established players. I know they deserve the first chance as they have stayed with platform for long. But as new arrivals at Fiverr we also need to be given a chance to show off our skills.

The fact that this option is currently not available means there must be some logic behind it as well , which might not be in my grasp currently, I wish you good luck and best of days ahead at FIverr.


Edited by seoswiftcreate
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Hi, so I have been going through various post and sub topics at Fiverr as a new seller here , and I come across this theme of how to optimise our gigs, with good description and images and portfolio , which is really great. But I have a question, what is the best way to judge a gig ? By looking at the image , by reading the description ? No I say, it's when the buyer who pays for gig is satisfied with it.

So instead of making sellers indulge in this SEO stuff which we all know and many among us are experts in , why not allow  new sellers the option to sell their basic gig to some top buyers for Free. Their review will be of greater help and substance than all the SEO done on the gig.

I find the info on the post truly useful , I am just penning my views, if I am missing a point or logic, please do enlighten me …


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5 hours ago, seoswiftcreate said:

why not allow new sellers the option to sell their basic gig to some top buyers for Free

Because Fiverr says 'no'.

"Know your value
Fiverr’s services start at $5. While it can be tempting to offer promotions or discounts to get your orders rolling in from the start, offering your work for free is not a recommended approach to connect with or entice potential buyers.

Set your potential buyers' expectations and set the precedent that your work can’t be obtained for free. It’s essential to know your worth as a seller and not to compromise it to attempt to attract buyers."

Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-4-Things-to-Do-Before-Creating-Your-Gig

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Its a catch 22 situation I guess, because with out attracting the buyer the seller cannot show their skills, the term "Free" was used to ensure that some top buyers can review the gig, as buyers will not feel like they have spent their money on a brand new gig which did not yield them the desired results, while on the other hand the seller can also put their best foot forward knowing the initial few order might not earn them money but a great opportunity to showcase their skills that can convert later on …

All in all if some sellers are willing to provide a few gigs to get the ball rolling , in return of a valid review that seems much better then just updating the gigs ...

Thanks for your input ...

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