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Buyer Took revenge , gave me 5 star at first after few days he changed it 1 star , the review was unfair

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Disclaimer: I'm not saying, didn't say, and will not say I agree with the wording used by the seller in their review. I'm not defending the seller. That's not the point.

My points are the following:

1- A system for rating buyers where sellers can be punished by rating the buyers anything other than 5 stars will not serve any purpose.

2 - Reviews should be final and reflect the experience with the order. If they can be altered after the fact, specially in retaliation for things unrelated to the order work, that opens the door to abuse.

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3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

A buyer leaves you a 1 star review (that you can't see), you leave him a 5 star review. Can you, as a seller, go back and change your review to 1 as well? If so, then yes, free speech goes both directions.

Your point is not making sense here. If you cannot see the private feedback then how the seller will change the review or how do you know that you have gotten a negative feedback (private)? Plus seller have no authority to change the review. 


6 hours ago, mrinmoykar999 said:

Hi I am Mrinmoy , recently I have worked with a buyer , order id - #FO81C30920302, He provided all the details and I started to work on it , after showing the first draft he liked it but told me to change the whole thing , I did it ,  after that he liked my 2nd draft . After few stages, he started to ask for few things that were not mentioned in the order , So I said it would be counted as a revision . So he got angry and started to shout at me , if I don't want to work, cancel the order . I said I will do the job if my revision count bothers you don't worry I will do that for you , he has asked more things that were not included in the order . I did the job , he said to change the clothing he said to put a jacket on that fine I was working on it , at first he provided reference of normal female clothing , it was not a jacket , but later he said whatever you call it care sh** , he was started to behave inappropriately , I raised an issue to the customer support they said continue the work . I did . Later the buyer asked me to put fonts . I said I don't own the fonts that I have, they are not for commercial use . He said he will allow the work to be view on live portfolio only if I do that , deal , so I downloaded a royalty free font and did the job , he gave me 5-star review , and I gave him my honest review what I have been through . I gave him 1 star because he behaved terrible . He offered me more works in the chat , that he wants to work with me on a bigger project . If he didn't like my work, why would he offer more works ? I blocked him . Later he contacted to customer support , and he intentionally changed the review to 1 star and commented things that were not truth . So if a buyer can do anything in this platform, how can a seller survive ? And become a successful seller won't be possible ever . I raised this issue to customer support . I really don't know what will happen , I gave my honest review he gave it too , he said he was amazed by my work etc . And suddenly he changes it few days later don't buy from him , this seller should be removed from this website your project will suffer . This is not fair . I am feeling really sad . Fiverr is the only way where I earn money . I wish someone could help in this matter .

You are at fault actually. It looks like you are lacking communication skills. Work on it first. You could have handled it better..

Plus, you took a revenge first then why are you complaining? It's like Tit for Tat.

Why did you agree to everything whatever buyer asked you to do when it was not a part of your order? If he said, he will cancel the order, then get it cancelled. (It's better to get an order cancellation rather than getting a 1* review)

For now, let it go. Learn from it and improve your communication skills

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1 minute ago, smartdezigns said:

Your point is not making sense here. If you cannot see the private feedback then how the seller will change the review or how do you know that you have gotten a negative feedback (private)?

I'm not talking about private feedback. I'm saying after you rate the buyer, you can see his review. Can you then go and change your review in retaliation? That's what the buyer did - changed his review after he saw the seller's.

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2 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

If he said, he will cancel the order, then get it cancelled. (It's better to get an order cancellation rather than getting a 1* review)

That is gonna change. Buyers can now rate cancelled orders. This buyer would certainly leave a 1 star review if the seller forced a cancelation.

Again - yes, the seller wasn't professional in his review. That doesn't justify changing a rating given to the order. If the buyer gave the order 5 stars, it's because he was happy with what he got. That's that.

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2 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

That is gonna change. Buyers can now rate cancelled orders. This buyer would certainly leave a 1 star review if the seller forced a cancelation.

After 1 week.. Not right now. So don't focus on that update for now..


3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Again - yes, the seller wasn't professional in his review. That doesn't justify changing a rating given to the order. If the buyer gave the order 5 stars, it's because he was happy with what he got. That's that.

Buyer felt offended when the seller blocked him even he was willing to gave him more tasks that's why he took that path. 

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2 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

Buyer felt offended when the seller blocked him even he was willing to gave him more tasks that's why he took that path. 

Sure, but he shouldn't be able to do that. As a seller, I should be free to not want to work with a buyer in the future, without that impacting my past work. 

If I work for you, I do what you asked, you're happy and leave me a 5 star review, should you be able to go back and make it 1 star because I didn't like the experience and don't want to work with you in the future? That doesn't make sense. You were happy with my service. That's what the review is for. 

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I need to keep saying this, but again, nothing of what I say means the seller was professional after the order closed. I wouldn't leave that review. I wouldn't block the buyer like that. I wouldn't do what he did, it's bad for business. That's a totally separate matter.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Sure, but he shouldn't be able to do that. As a seller, I should be free to not want to work with a buyer in the future, without that impacting my past work. 

If I work for you, I do what you asked, you're happy and leave me a 5 star review, should you be able to go back and make it 1 star because I didn't like the experience and don't want to work with you in the future? That doesn't make sense. 

I already answered that Buyer felt offended when the seller blocked him even he was willing to gave him more tasks that's why he took that path. Seller could have handled it better but he is lacking communication skills. You are pointing out everything to buyer.. why are not you focusing on seller's mistakes? Now, seller should learn from his mistakes and let it go.


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1 minute ago, smartdezigns said:

why are not you focusing on seller's mistakes?

Because that has nothing to do with me. It's not my problem, because I don't make those mistakes. However, the system as is designed right now can also punish me even if I don't make any mistakes. That's a problem for everyone.

Also, I've said several times now that I would have handled differently, and that the seller was not professional. Why are you ignoring that?

A seller should be able to say they don't want to work with a buyer in the future without that impacting his past ratings in any way. I don't see how this is difficult to understand.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Because that has nothing to do with me. It's not my problem, because I don't make those mistakes. However, the system as is designed right now can also punish me even if I don't make any mistakes. That's a problem for everyone.

Then why are you trying to create a situation, being fussy and attacking members here whoever is trying to point his (seller's) mistakes?

I already said that don't focus on that Update for now (It's gonna be implemented from next week).. If you are really worried about that, then make your buyers happy and handle it professionally even though you are a TRS.. 

3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Also, I've said several times now that I would have handled differently, and that the seller was not professional. Why are you ignoring that?

You are focusing more on Buyer who went back to change the review.. Being a TRS, you should have given some tips/suggestions to the seller so that he should avoid making the same mistake in the future! But No! You are just being selfish and worried more about yourself! 

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1 minute ago, smartdezigns said:

I already said that don't focus on that Update for now (It's gonna be implemented from next week).. If you are really worried about that, then make your buyers happy and handle it professionally even though you are a TRS.. 

You're the one implying things here. My buyers are happy and I haven't had a cancelation in over a year. That's not the point. 

Focus on this:

If a buyer can change their review of a seller based on the review the seller leaves them, that means all sellers are coerced to leave all buyers 5 star reviews. Correct or incorrect?

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6 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

A seller should be able to say they don't want to work with a buyer in the future without that impacting his past ratings in any way. I don't see how this is difficult to understand.

Tell that to the seller. Don't focus only on Buyer! 🙏 

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1 minute ago, smartdezigns said:

Tell that to the seller. Don't focus only on Buyer!

This what I have pointed out.  The attitude that sellers are infallible and buyers are always wrong.  It is a religion here. An angry, pitchfork and torch carrying religion. 

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1 minute ago, smartdezigns said:

Tell that to the seller. Don't focus only on Buyer! 🙏 

We're talking about different things, that's the issue. I'm not talking about this particular seller. He doesn't matter.

This is the question:

If a buyer can change their review of a seller based on the review the seller leaves them, that means all sellers are coerced to leave all buyers 5 star reviews. Correct or incorrect?

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Not what I said. I'm constantly saying the opposite about most sellers, actually.

I'm speaking more broadly about the mob in the other threads who are incensed that buyers will be actually able to review them.

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Just now, newsmike said:

This what I have pointed out.  The attitude that sellers are infallible and buyers are always wrong.  It is a religion here. 

Actually, he is a TRS but still have this mindset and attitude which seems not right to me! It's totally strange to see this behavior! He is focusing on himself only! That's all! 

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2 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

Actually, he is a TRS but still have this mindset and attitude which seems not right to me! It's totally strange to see this behavior! He is focusing on himself only! That's all! 

What mindset? My points are simple, and you are choosing not to address them. Forget this seller. This is a single case, I'm talking about the system itself.

1- A system for rating buyers where sellers can be punished by rating the buyers anything other than 5 stars will not serve any purpose.

2 - Reviews should be final and reflect the experience with the order. If they can be altered after the fact, specially in retaliation for things unrelated to the order work, that opens the door to abuse.

Please address point 1 and 2. That's what I'm talking about. Not this particular seller or his lack of professionalism.

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5 minutes ago, newsmike said:

I'm speaking more broadly about the mob in the other threads who are incensed that buyers will be actually able to review them.

We both agree that is wrong, but I think that is a mischaracterisation of at least what some people are saying. Many people have no issue with buyers actually being able to review them. That's not the problem. The problem is under what circumstances, specially if they are abusable. I think you would also agree that someone who didn't do an order with you, shouldn't be able to leave you a review for the conversation in your inbox that lead nowhere, right? Just an example. Fiverr could well allow that as well. 

It's not about being reviewed or not, is how the system works.

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1 minute ago, visualstudios said:

What mindset? My points are simple, and you are choosing not to address them. Forget this seller. This is a single case, I'm talking about the system itself.

1- A system for rating buyers where sellers can be punished by rating the buyers anything other than 5 stars will not serve any purpose.

2 - Reviews should be final and reflect the experience with the order. If they can be altered after the fact, specially in retaliation for things unrelated to the order work, that opens the door to abuse.

Please address point 1 and 2. That's what I'm talking about. Not this particular seller or his lack of professionalism.

Why should we focus on your points? We are discussing the issue that the seller encountered 6 days ago. Focus on that first rather than focusing on yours.. Why are you being fussy when nothing has happened with you and you are continuously focusing on review system. If you are not happy with the updates, then quit being here or go to Fiverr Support and discuss with them.

It would be better if you guide seller first rather than discussing your own points! I am not gonna address your points or whatever you are trying to say.. Again, I have to say that Focus More on the seller's case.. Not yours! 

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1 minute ago, visualstudios said:

specially if they are abusable. 

No one is abusable unless they allow it. Some wear that as a cloak to excuse every sort of deficiency. "Buyer abused me by asking for the design to be in line with their requirements."  "Buyer make me do 750 free revisions, what can I do?" etc, etc.....

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4 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Wee both know that's not what I'm talking about. 

Question - It's almost certain that you have had a bad buyer in the past. Have you ever left a buyer a bad review? 

When they deserved it yes. Maybe twice in 5,000 orders, and both times cause they wanted free work after ignoring the terms of my gig. 

They posted "Bad guy, wants more money just to redo the order"  1 star

I respond, "That is clearly stated in FAQ's of gig. Not my fault that you did not understand what you bought."  1 star



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2 minutes ago, newsmike said:

When they deserved it yes. Maybe twice in 5,000 orders, and both times cause they wanted free work after ignoring the terms of my gig. 

They posted "Bay guy, wants more money just to redo the order"  1 star

I respond, "That is clearly stated in FAQ's of gig. Not my fault that you did not understand what you bought."  1 star



That was under the old review system. You gave them 1 star in response to their 1 star. You can't do that now.

Have you ever had a bad buyer, and leave them a bad review without seeing their review first, as it must be done under the new system?

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Just now, visualstudios said:

That was under the new review system. You gave them 1 star in response to their 1 star. You can't do that now.

Have you ever had a bad buyer, and leave them a bad review without seeing their review first, as it must be done under the new system?

I have one response that I paste for every order, no matter what.  "Thanks for your business."

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