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What is the problem with my gig?


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18 minutes ago, tyd_marketing said:

Create new account and upload gigs again


Why are you suggesting that the OP creates another account when Fiverr states that this is against the TOS?

If you don't know an answer, please don't make it up, or you will get freelancers banned. 

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3 hours ago, nilufar3060 said:


I made an account a long time ago but now I have become an active member. If there is any problem with my gig please check and suggest me..


Well you have chosen a highly competitive niche (WordPress) so you need to work on your gig to make them stand out i.e. improve your gig images and gig descriptions.

Also, you can enable Get Briefs feature (not guaranteed that it'll be helpful for you but just give it a shot)


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1 hour ago, breals said:

Why are you suggesting that the OP creates another account when Fiverr states that this is against the TOS?

If you don't know an answer, please don't make it up, or you will get freelancers banned. 

Brother I know what i am taking about if account is very old then it takes time to get order so if zero gigs are present then close the current account and create new account as fiverr push new accounts now and i am not suggesting anything against TOS 

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57 minutes ago, tyd_marketing said:


I'm not your brother 

58 minutes ago, tyd_marketing said:

I know what i am taking about

No you don't. 

59 minutes ago, tyd_marketing said:

fiverr push new accounts now

Where is your evidence of this?  Please show me communication from Fiverr to back up this claim

1 hour ago, tyd_marketing said:

i am not suggesting anything against TOS 

At no point did your original comment say that.  You said 'create new account and upload gigs again'.  You clearly need to work on your communication skills. 

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1 hour ago, tyd_marketing said:

Brother I know what i am taking about if account is very old then it takes time to get order so if zero gigs are present then close the current account and create new account as fiverr push new accounts now and i am not suggesting anything against TOS 

I came back to Fiverr fully in 2020 after several bad reviews (mostly cancellations) back in 2018 or 2019 as I lost access/time to use my computer. My account wasn't new, and while it had a good amount of good reviews, it still had bad ones as well.

Guess who's a TRS now?

While yes, new accounts are pushed, deleting and trying again and again just isn't the solution to this. If something doesn't work now, it won't work later, either. If I took my least popular gig and remade it on a new account, nothing would happen (well, I'd likely be banned.) 

I understand where you're coming from, but I genuinely don't think it's the right advice. 

What is, then? 

I personally like to tell people to do research and niche down, but in such crowded categories where there are a lot of people who sell templates/etc. that are free it's just hard to get started. One really has to show that they are a true professional and have a bit of luck.

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