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Would like to know from the experienced seller how to boost my gig performance.

Guest sinu_farendaj

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Guest sinu_farendaj

Hi, I am sinu farendaj. Professional WordPress & ecommerce website designer. I am new on fiverr. And would love to take some suggestion about how to improve my seller ability. Thank you all.  

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Guest sinu_farendaj

Hi I am new seller on fiverr. I have uploade my gig on my niche. And I would like to know how can boost or promote my gig or marketing my gig. Thank you to all experienced sellers.

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3 hours ago, sinu_farendaj said:

Hi I am new seller on fiverr. I have uploade my gig on my niche. And I would like to know how can boost or promote my gig or marketing my gig. Thank you to all experienced sellers.

Hi too..

It's possible only via Unique Gig Images, Tags, Gig Descriptions!..

Checked your profile.

  • Your Gig Images are not attractive enough to grab buyer's attention. Make them more unique. Add some of your work (portfolio)
  • Gig Descriptions: Improve them further. 
  • Highly Competitive Niche: WordPress is a highly competitive niche (74K services available on Fiverr) so you need to work on your gigs to make them more stand out!
  • You can enable Get Briefs. Though it's not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job but give it a shot!
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Hey and welcome to the forum. You’ve elected to take the hard work out of reading the thousands of pages on “marketing” and you’ve rightfully expected to be served explanations by the busiest of successful sellers. You’ve bypassed the fiverr official tutorials, webinars, services and all those pesky tips that are easily found by searching. You decided to not join programs where mentors answer questions on “schedules.” 

Well - I respect that kind of “get up and then sit back down and ask someone else to get up for you” attitude.

Clearly, you’re a person who takes initiative. It may not be your initiative - but hey, once you’ve taken it - finders keepers. Am I right?

So I’m going to help you.

And no, it’s not just because my gigs were all “suspended” for some misunderstanding that was clearly beyond my control. How did I know that client meant she wanted more “prospects” when she said “can you offer me more exposure?”

So that’s tip number one: on fiverr - “exposure” has nothing to do with your undergarments.

Firstly, a little about me: 

I’m a Top Rated Seller and a Fiverr Pro account holder. My main gig - “I will send you my only fans pictures to decrease your Seasonal Affective Disorder,” is wildly popular. Though it wasn’t without some trial and error. In fact, that very gig used to be called - “I will send you my only fans pictures to decrease your anxiety,” but that ended abruptly when one client - after receiving her order - hyperventilated, leaving her phone exposed in a PTA meeting. Apparently I was “falsely advertising,” and that seemingly leaves you responsible for the hospital bills. But on the bright side - I’m popular with PTA members. Who knew

Here are some things to remember when promoting your new explicit account:

1) Boxers make babies - but briefs make sales: 

You want to demonstrate the length you’re willing to go to please your client in every photo. That begins with your profile picture and should extend to every photo thereafter. When choosing the right profile picture briefs, remember: Nothing too tight - after all, the pitch begins in the client’s mind - just something comfortable enough to demonstrate your true feelings. And the temperature. 

(Note: I will not be offering anymore of these hilarious puns as we proceed. But you should take this as a great example of how to speak to potential clients. If it’s anything that fiverr clients love - it’s a warped pun…

… that wasn’t another pun by the way. You’re just all dirty minded or something).

2) Men are turned on with their eyes - women with their imagination: 

When writing your bio, it’s important to remember who your audience is. Audio erotica is the fastest booming section of the erotica industry. It’s audience is dominated by women. This corroborates the idea that women treat erotica from a more imaginative place. That means they read and stuff. 

For instance, I’ve wandered off twice while writing this, I watched a monster truck marathon, stood in the kitchen for ten minutes not remembering why I was there, fixed a door hinge, got in a workout and totally forgot we were even talking. That’s because men don’t imagine

Consider this fact while writing your bio and be sure to get descriptive. Really, really descriptive. 

3) Fiverr Success is all about strengthening your core: 

To be truly successful on the platform - you’re going to need a five day per week workout routine - with 20 minute cardio sessions on three of those days. Customers love it when you cause muscle confusion and nothing says “repeat customers” like drop-set/super-set combinations.

But you’ll never make TRS without core training. Or as fiverr says in the terms of service:

“Core training is an essential tool in your ability to negotiate maximum success on our platform. While some would disregard the notion of training abs everyday - we at fiverr are of the belief that overtraining is a largely misunderstood term. Come on … you’ve never “over trained.” Awwww, did your wittle, ittle muscles get sore? Do you need to put the weight down, little fella? Here. We brought you some ice cream. Quick, someone turn on “The View,” so that stick-legs over here has something to watch while he cries into his Ben & Jerry’s. Shucks, don’t cry, would you like Daddy to get your blanky?”

As you can see, fiverr takes the issue of multi day ab routines very seriously. They also decrease your “muscle response rate” metric if you’re caught training abs less than three times weekly.

So get comfortable with crunches and planks - or expect to never get that higher ranking. Also - don’t give me this stuff about weighted oblique crunches being pointless. My obliques got me the “repeat buyer” badge jabroni.

4) The hardest part of marketing is always keeping your “base” tan: 

If it’s anything we Top Rated Sellers hate - it’s getting a wonderfully realistic spray tan, taking one shower and watching our money swirl down in a weirdly “brown but also kinda purple ooze” into the drain. Specifically because Cindy at “Palm Beach Tan” assured me that my tan would:

1. Bring in more fiverr customers 

and 2. Not be kinda purple.

You can’t trust people these days. Especially if they sell you products called, “Notes of Purple.”

Get in the habit of training the algorithm to respect your rich, deep tan by delivering all products prior to the “post tan shower.” Also remember to perform 100 hammer curls, 100 pushups and five minutes on the bike at a brisk pace - before delivering your order.

The fiverr algorithm loves vascularity. 

Okay friend. I have answered your questions. I’ve recalibrated your expectations of the job, given you tips to succeed and offered you the best in “Top Rated” secrets that we currently have.

Good luck with your new “only fans pictures for fiverr,” gig. I anticipate much success for you very soon. 


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