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Give sellers a better choice to block people.


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Currently, if someone contacts me on my gigs and wastes my time, I really only have two choices to block them. I can mark them as spam or click the 'report' button, and this seems like it might waste the time of Fiverr support people who go to investigate.

A seller should be able to block someone in the chat for no reason at all. For example, someone keeps sending messages to the seller hinting they plan to buy from the seller but also asking questions to solicit valuable information, at some point the seller feels like their time is being wasted. A seller can't 100% know the buyer is just spamming, or if the buyer is just working up to a scam. 

It seems completely reasonable for sellers to be able to block someone from interactive with their chat and gigs without having to assert wrongdoing. 

Please simply add a 'block' button that does not require Fiverr support people to have to go investigate, and allows a seller to avoid interactions that are not welcome. 

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