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What can you do when you got an order, you already agreed to do it but halfway through you can't actually complete it?

Guest cinnalea

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Guest cinnalea

Hello eveyone I recently started Selling on Fiverr as an animator and it has been kinda okay, mostly because the stresses of providing the service that i give in a short time period is too much sometimes. Regardless i came here to ask for help, i got my first client and i finished their first order no problem, however the inconvenient started when i was delivering their second order, they ordered again and at first all was fine because i got more work and i could do what they were asking me to do but halfway through this order, they ordered again without messaging me first (which happened with their second order as well) and ordered 4 more at the same time, all of them being particularly complex to do, reason why i prefer to receive a message to know if i can do it and if have the time etc. At first because i was happy that someone contracted me and i needed the money i thought that i could manage so i said yes to one and delayed accepting the others although in a sense i implied that i was going to make them. We get to now where i'm in the middle of one of the 4 orders which against my better judgement i started, the thing being that i now have work done but is not complete by any means, however it is becoming progressively hard to do for me because of the time limit and my own limitations with the things that must be done and i simply can't finish it. The other problem is that i asked the buyer if we could cancel the other orders (which they stated that they won't do until the order that i'm doing right now is done) and after researching cancellations i learned that cancelling orders affects my ranking and visibility. I'm unaware of the reason why they won't cancel the orders because i've been trying to explain to them that i can't take them right now especially because they became progressively harder since the first one and overall explaining to them my reasons to cancel them. At this point i already accepted to get the hit from 3 consecutive cancellations and i'll be trying to convince them to just cancel them even though i think they believe i will just do them anyway, however i don't know what to tell them about this one order where i managed to get to the middle but that i can't complete. What should i tell them? i am in fact afraid of 4 cancelations right when i'm just starting out and even though i didn't finish the one order, i don't want to get them my work for free because i don't know if they will pay me for it by making another order specifically for this nor i think they will pay the full price for an incomplete job which is understandable but either way i can't finish any of their orders and i will get hit by cancellations either way but what should i tell them to solve this issue?


Sorry for the long message and thank you for reading, i would appreciate any response as i am new to all of this and don't know where else to ask.

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6 minutes ago, cinnalea said:

i don't want to get them my work for free because i don't know if they will pay me for it by making another order specifically for this nor i think they will pay the full price for an incomplete job which is understandable but either way i can't finish any of their orders and i will get hit by cancellations either way but what should i tell them to solve this issue?

In this situation the best option is canceling the order by opening a mutual dispute, but If the order isn't canceled there is a chance of getting a bad review from the specific client. That will hurt the most as a new seller...

If the client doesn't agree with opening a mutual dispute for the cancellation, best thing to do would be reaching out the support team regarding this. If you have valid reasons to cancel the order, They will definitly help you out.

Please Visit the resolation center for the current processing order...

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Guest cinnalea
9 minutes ago, akib0079 said:

In this situation the best option is canceling the order by opening a mutual dispute, but If the order isn't canceled there is a chance of getting a bad review from the specific client. That will hurt the most as a new seller...

If the client doesn't agree with opening a mutual dispute for the cancellation, best thing to do would be reaching out the support team regarding this. If you have valid reasons to cancel the order, They will definitly help you out.

Please Visit the resolation center for the current processing order...

Thank you so much for your reply! i will try this method to see if i can insist them to get to agree to cancel the 4 orders. i'm unsure if cancelling 4 orders at a time still can cause a problem but i still don't have any other choice but to cancel them and then to hope that i don't get a bad review for this

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Hi @cinnalea!

3 hours ago, cinnalea said:

which they stated that they won't do until the order that i'm doing right now is done

Did you try to ask to "Extend the delivery date" (you can find the link under the "Delivery Now" button in your order's page).

3 hours ago, cinnalea said:

they ordered again without messaging me first [...] and ordered 4 more at the same time, all of them being particularly complex to do, reason why i prefer to receive a message to know if i can do it and if have the time etc.

This is an online marketplace after all, we should be happy to receive orders at any time 😁 However, everything depends on the service that you're providing and the business plan that you're running. So, if you've decided to assure to your customers a fast delivery (i.e. in order to have a more competitive service) but you can't assure more than 1 (for example) order at a time, here is a useful solution from Fiverr:

  1. Go to My Business and select Gigs;
  2. Click on the gig's title;
  3. Enable "Limit orders in queue".

Using this feature allows you to control the number of orders you can receive. Once the limit you set is reached, your Gig will temporarily be removed from Fiverr’s search. Disabling this feature returns your Gig to Fiverr’s search (approximately 15 minutes later). - Fiverr

You can find more information on Fiverr Help.

Enjoy your work!



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Guest cinnalea
11 hours ago, trombonhero said:

Hi @cinnalea!

Did you try to ask to "Extend the delivery date" (you can find the link under the "Delivery Now" button in your order's page).

This is an online marketplace after all, we should be happy to receive orders at any time 😁 However, everything depends on the service that you're providing and the business plan that you're running. So, if you've decided to assure to your customers a fast delivery (i.e. in order to have a more competitive service) but you can't assure more than 1 (for example) order at a time, here is a useful solution from Fiverr:

  1. Go to My Business and select Gigs;
  2. Click on the gig's title;
  3. Enable "Limit orders in queue".

You can find more information on .

Enjoy your work!



Hello Michele, thank you very much for your reply! i did asked them to extend the delivery dates for the rest of the orders and they agreed, however i asked them if we could extend them around a 1 month time and they adamantly agreed because they told me it would take to long but because this order that i'm having a hard time completing threw my schedule off by a long shot, i can't give them a specific delivery date yet. Also what they asked of me of this next orders is a little bit more complex and hard to do than their two orders before and because i don't want to disappoint them nor do i want to promise something that i might not be able to deliver, i'm unsure if i should do the orders anyway (i've tried explaining to them the complexities of doing the orders and if we could simplify them, however they say that the changes they are asking for are simple to make which sadly isn't the case)

As of the limit orders, i was totally unaware that option was a thing that i could do and i am incredibly grateful for this information, thank you! i will implement it as for the time being i decided to pause my gig temporarily until i get this situation a solution although i don't know if there is a difference between doing one or the other but regardless, thank you again

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  • 5 months later...
Guest cinnalea

Hi! so after 8 months and having solved the problem in question I decided to give a follow up in case someone who needs it is able to find answers. At the end I spoke to the client and told them that I couldn't do the job and because they wouldn't reply to me on time, I requested a mutual cancellation through the Resolution center for every one of the orders. I explained to them respectfully that I wasn't able to do any of the orders because they were seriously taking a toll on me and wasn't able to finish even the first one as it was beyond my skill level, they agreed but not without calling me a faker and a fraud (even though by this time I had delivered 2 animations perfectly and to their tastes, even got 2 5 star reviews from them)  and leaving on the cancellation review that it was not a good cancellation.

It affected my discoverability for at least 1 and a half months were I didn't get almost no one coming to my gig, despite that I kept going and eventually after that time it went away, needless to say after 8 months of hard working, low pay (or almost none at all), high fees taken by Fiverr, rude and entitled clients, clients who constantly low ball your work and even you, a competition that is impossible to win when your peers are doing the same job as you but for cheaper and done faster (Two people once told me when we were negotiating a job that they found another person that did it faster and cheaper and felt insulted, not because of my peers as I don't have anything against them and I support them fully but because at the end of the day it was a tactic to try to make me lower my price), Impossible requests by some, and even terrible communication by others ( my native language is not English btw but there are some people who won't even do their best to be respectful or even explain to you clearly what they want, especially when they don't even know a thing about the services I offer as an animator and even then they believe that they know more about it than you to tell you that what you ask is "too high" or that you "take too long" with a fully animated, fully colored, with character design and fully painted background included animation) after all that I decided to finish one single last order I accepted and leave the page altogether as even with this last order it seems I will be having a tough client again and I think it is better to give up here than to damage my mental and physical health any longer for money that doesn't even help me feed my family or myself.

For those who are still going I respect and admire your dedication and I am happy that your efforts are paying off if your experience hasn't been as bad as mine, I hope you get lots of orders as God knows we sadly need money to live. And for those of you who are on a similar camp as me and specially if they are artists and/or animators I ask you to reconsider your choices and find somewhere else, preferably make your own page and promote your own thing on the SMS as at least there you have a voice, things are not as impersonal and if there is even one rude person going about, you can defend yourself with the voice you cultivated (Plus you get paid what you rightfully deserve for your work)  

Thank you for reading, I'll probably won't reply to any replies (if it gets any though I'll probably will be lurking until I finish the last order) nor do I know if this post will be hidden by mods because of the clear intent I have with this message but at the end of the day, do remember it was my personal experience "my fiverr experience" so I think it is valid to record it here as I believe it is the best way to describe it and it is not a reflection of the experience for everyone.


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