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How is your first experience with the very first buyer of you?


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I think it was a guy ordering the $5 package for a zodiac-themed t-shirt design. It wasn't the best experience since the buyer just vanished after the delivery and didn't bother to respond or leave review, but it somehow boosted my gig and I keep receiving order since then. One thing I know for sure is to never agree on giving custom sample. If they ask for free samples, simply direct them to your portfolio or show them previews of your previous works. I think being able to speak English well is also a deciding factor when it comes to English-native buyers. Also one more thing, never lie about your skill or language competence in your profile. You'd want to build trust if you plan to make money on Fiverr in the long term.

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On 9/19/2022 at 9:34 PM, newsmike said:


Yes, Better to get ideas for everyone

On 9/17/2022 at 11:30 AM, marufsarkar_pro said:

I Haven't received the first order yet, spam buyer message coming...

Promote your gig on social media, use the right keywords on gigs, and use attractive images, send buyer requests daily, then wait on the first order will receive

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Guest tenebres_telrei

It was an interesting experience that taught me a lot and made me review scope of my gig by the end of it. Client was friendly and supportive plus very keen on leaving a good feedback. We kept a close contact during the gig.

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