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Gigs loses its rank after not being active for 3 months or more


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I have two reviews on my Fiber account, which is more than a year ago 5 * reviews. After that, I canceled a 125$ order, and since then my click impression is very bad.

Since that, I have not been active in fiverr for about 1 year. Now I have been active for 2-3 months again. I delete the old gig and create a new Gig, SEO enough keyword research image video and perfect the keyword density of my description. However, there are no impressions or clicks on my Gigs.

I have heard that an account that has not been active for 3 months on fiverr loses its rank which is almost impossible to re-rank. its that true? and if not, what should I do to rank my gig?

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9 minutes ago, asad_hossain said:

I have two reviews on my Fiber account, which is more than a year ago 5 * reviews. After that, I canceled a 125$ order, and since then my click impression is very bad.

Since that, I have not been active in fiverr for about 1 year. Now I have been active for 2-3 months again. I delete the old gig and create a new Gig, SEO enough keyword research image video and perfect the keyword density of my description. However, there are no impressions or clicks on my Gigs.

I have heard that an account that has not been active for 3 months on fiverr loses its rank which is almost impossible to re-rank. its that true? and if not, what should I do to rank my gig?

Fiverr. With a V. 

If you think keyword density will determine gig success, you're mistaken. Gigs are not "ranked." Your gig visibility depends on buyer satisfaction, gig quality, sales, and other stats. 

That means you have to offer something that people actually want to buy and then make those buyers happy. 

It's not about keyword density. It's about running a business with satisfied customers. 

Stop believing in the myths you've heard. You won't succeed just based on your keywords. 

As for your last question, Fiverr doesn't want to market a seller that's not active on Fiverr to their buyers. Fiverr has no reason to market you if you're not making money. 

Not to be unkind, but your gig videos are not professional. Your thumbnails aren't attractive. Your gig description is more like a long list of over-formatted keywords. I highly recommend that you update yourself on current design trends and perhaps hire a professional video editor and voice-over talent for your gig videos. 


Edited by smashradio
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Fiverr algorithm monitors the activity of a gig. If a gig doesn't get any order or is inactive for a month fiverr algorithm starts forgetting those gigs and the result is a low impression. So it's important to give a continuous reminder to the system. 

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Guest lloydsolutions
3 hours ago, arifswe said:

Very important discussion thanks


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