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Level one Plus Promoting Gig on Fiverr platfroms


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Hello Fiverr community, I have a level one seller and I've promoted my gig using the Fiverr Promote Gig for $ 5 per day. But I still fail to get an order ... How can I get an order and give a suggestion. I've already done 2 days of gig promotion. Thank You Hope you Understand Fiverr. 

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7 minutes ago, iceching143 said:

I've already done 2 days of gig promotion.

Then you fail to understand the system. You can't possibly see amazing results in 2 days. This is a service that requires experimentation, optimization and time to shine. You can't possibly expect tons and tons of orders. 

This service shows your gig in front of customers, but it doesn't guarantee any sales. If people see your gig and don't really like it, don't trust your skills or they feel something is off, they will look towards your competitors. So what I recommend you to do is to focus on improving your gigs and your skills. Espeically your gigs, for this particular situation. 

Are you getting any clicks?

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Then I guess a good idea is to experiment with a new gig image or a new gig name. Impressions show one thing: people see your gig, but they don't click on it. So.. you need to find ways to make them click. Fiverr does its job with Promoted Gigs, they bring you traffic, but you have to draw them in with a great gig.

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On 4/19/2022 at 4:57 AM, iceching143 said:

Hello Fiverr community, I have a level one seller and I've promoted my gig using the Fiverr Promote Gig for $ 5 per day. But I still fail to get an order ... How can I get an order and give a suggestion. I've already done 2 days of gig promotion. Thank You Hope you Understand Fiverr. 


I'm the Product Manager of Promoted Gigs at Fiverr. Welcome to the program!
For best results, we recommend to actively promote your Gigs for at least 30 days. You can learn more here.

All the best,


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