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How exactly do subscriptions work?



If the gig is done in 7 days can the subscribe buyer request the next one right away? Or are subscriptions only meant to be one illustration (in my case) each month? I do not know what to tell my client who would like to get a subscription to me but doesn't know how these work here and asks me if I can explain ot to him.

So again. If a monthly subscribed gig order is finished in less than a week, is that going to:

a) trigger the beginning of the next order for that month?

b) trigger the order meant for the next month? (therefore, if he subscribes for 6 months and I finish all of his 6 order in one week his subscription will end)

c) not le him place an order to me for a month, until a "cool down" happen?


Please help me on this one. Fiverr is very ambiguous about this feature in their description.

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5 answers to this question

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a) trigger after 30 days of the first order.

b) each month you will get 1 automatic order.

c) He can place other order I think.

  • Each subscription order is a standalone order—the next subscription order will start even if the previous order is not completed 

You can read more details here 

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So if I finish the order in less than 30 days he will be able to ask for another one, but it won't start unless those 30 days are finished? Well that's not exactly a usefull feature at all, is it?

In cases like mine, that's only useful for monthly gigs that make comicbooks/animations or bigger projects, rather than singular illustration orders for bookcovers or something like that.

Fiverr should change this feature to charghe "x" ammount of funds for "y" ammount of projects (stated by the seller) for the selected "z" months. This way you could get done, lets say, 4-8 orders a month, and you will have the "financial security" that fiverr so wanted to give us for the next "y" months. That is what a usefull feature would look like from my point of view.

Thanks for the clarification @seven_sign.

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Subscription feature could be different for different category.

i.e for a company they need a newsletter design or monthly maintenance etc and they can take subscription.

I design logo, websites. though I just turned on the subscription but I believe there are no company who will need logo or website every month for their company.

If they are agency that's different. But like you said, the order process can be anytime. However they can plan like that I will get you 1 order per month tyle.

X amount for Y number of projects is not work actually in fiverr, for that milestone system could work somehow.

So if you finish the order in 7 days, the subscription order/project will not start unless the next month I think. And in the meantime buyer ask you for another work, you can send him requet for a new order. You can have multiple order from same client at a time.

buyer took subscription, it's like a guarantee that for a couple of number of months, he will give you 1 order for that specific amount of package. it doesn't mean he already paid you for all xx months.

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If your buyer knows how many orders/projects they want, you can use the Milestone custom order thing. Milestones either chop one order up into pieces delivered separately or create multiple orders in a series. When the buyer accepts the first, the second starts right away. I'm not sure if this is available for all categories, however.

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