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[TRICK] How to Increase Sales via Promotion on Your Own Website


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Promoting on your own self hosted webpage is the best way to promote your Fiverr gigs. Just keep these points in mind and after few weeks of promotions, your Fiverr sales will be sure to shoot off the roof. You can be packed solid for months with regular promos 🙂

  1. Keep writing about your Fiverr gigs on your website or have a dedicated page/site/ blog for Fiverr gigs.
  2. Talk about news/ latest updates in your industry (main focus of your site should be your service industry - your area of expertise - like whatever you sell on Fiverr - be it graphics, write ups , photographs… etc).
  3. Promote your website to all social bookmarking sites - use fragglesrock for that - its free and you can submit to several sites with just ONE click .
  4. PING all your new content (be it blog posts/ news/ updates) Use fragglesrock for that - again, a one min task 🙂
  5. Use your website url in all forum signatures and email signatures - GREAT exposure !
  6. NETWORK - Blast your site url to all social networks you are a part of - create pages on FB / Twitter/ LinkedIn groups and more - spread the word !

    FINALLY, on how to CREATE your website, read my short tutorial here - fragglesrock

    Feel free to contact me if you need help setting up a SIMPLE wordpress site/page. Always here to help fellow sellers.



  • 7 months later...
Guest nicred

Great idea, as soon as some of my earnings clear up I am going to start a website for my fiverr gigs 🙂 Looking forward.


That’s a nice “trick” also because you can give more information on your own website, I’ve also programmed a javascript feature so my customers can calculate the prices instantly.

  • 1 year later...

Great follow up post simplyjo. The problem is that a few rogues give everyone a bad name. It’s taken me two years to biuld a trusted brand and service online, but now I am helping more people than ever.Ultimately, anyone can learn SEO the same way you can learn anything in life, but it’s having the time to do so, and some people just want a good service they can trust without being ripped off or wasting their money.



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