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not getting regular work


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hi fiverr family, i am tired by everything, i tried almost every method to get more orders but no benefits, 

i am about to achieve my level 2 badge, still i don't get regular work on fiverr.  i get only 1 or 2 orders in a whole month. i have even a feature of gig promotion, using it still 0 results. i have a good impression and clicks on my gig. i dont know the reasons of not getting the results. can someone help me.

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Muhammad, where is the issue?  If you have low impressions then check your gig titles (your main gig title seemed a bit clunky to me, but that is just one person's opinion).  If your impressions are good but your clicks are low then it points to your gig picture.  If your clicks are good but your conversion to sales is low, it points to your gig description and/or how you are conversing with buyers.  


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