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How To Make BUYERS Order Your Extra Gigs


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  1. Add it to plan from the Start




    i noticed that majority of the sellers don’t have a future plans for their gigs, all because they wanted sales at all cost. When you initially promised marketing to 500k MLM people, and now you got to level 1. probably your reach hasn’t gotten beyond 500k, what will you do?



  2. Place More Value on Your Extra Gig




    3.Deliver a Quality and Good Work



  3. Update, Fine-tune and Edit Your Description Often: Some Buyers have not add,or touch their description ever since they join Fiverr, and they keep complaining about not having sales on their extra gigs



  4. Put it In A Bold Text " Take The Pain to Check out My Gig Extra" - Research has shown that 90% of People Tends to act on what they are told. Majority of the buyers don’t check out for the gig extra, but when it’s boldly Written at the bottom of your description, they will sure check it out.




    Thanks, do you have any addition or suggestions? all are welcome.


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