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Hi fiverr community. So here i am searching world wide web, getting upset of not finding descent links and out of nowhere i stumble across this very helpful website. But, there are still questions to ask (looked thru other themes but couldn’t find the right one). So basically my question is: i need a short commercial video (2 mins tops) with live characters or in a “Wallace and Gromit” style. Can people know how to do this pm please or post here. I would really appreciate it. Thanx in advance. Best regards, Eugene

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You might get more responses if you create a Gig request. You can do this by going to the fiverr home page (of anywhere on the main site). You’ll see a button called ‘SHOPPING’ on the top-right of the screen. Click it. You will then be taken to the ‘MY SHOPPING’ page. You can locate the ‘Request A Gig’ on the right hand side. Click it, fill in your request and select a category. Click submit and you should be good to go.

Hope this helps!

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