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Improve Your Sell


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To Improve your sell, Always keep in mind that Buyer always want a good quality work. So, You have to Develop your skill and deliver best quality work to satisfy buyer/clients. also have another benifites to Sitisfy buyer is Repeated work. if Buyer satisfied of your work then 90% chance to repeat for hire you.

So, You have to provide best Quality Service to Improve your sell.

Best Of Luck👍

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I'm a new seller but what i think is most important whatever skill you have make a practice portfolio with it and upload it on portfolio site 

Second start by low paying jobs as you will gather reviews and experience you will start getting big jobs as well

Third be specific as a 3d artist i know what i have to bid on but if i bid on order which i don't understand ultimately it will create problem i might loose that job and that would impact my profile negatively so i usually bid on those jobs which i can do and i usually stay away from those jobs which i don't understand or I'm not at that level

Final: Take risks and never shy in your bid 

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You would have seen that People are saying they will rank your gigs. You could do it yourself 

I would share  important factors with you that will help you in ranking your gig .

1: Search for services on fiver that you are best in . Then see what is their Title . Write title which is not copy past of that but write title like that .

2: In Tags , select those tags which are according to the title .

3: Use title and tags in the description for 4 to 5 times.

4: Upload video in which you will have to show that how you would solve problems for clients  related to your gig title .  

5: Promote your gigs in social medias.

6: Bid as many customers  request  as you can . and write proposal in which you have to show a unique and efficient solution for the problem .

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Just a few quick tips that can help you in Fiverr:

  • Use proper English and grammar in your gigs and in your conversations with buyers.
  • Do not use Stock images and avoid copyright claims.
  • Explain what you are offering in your gig service.
  • Explain what the Fiverr gig buyer will get and the exact value for him out of it.
  • Respond to negative feedback positively.
  • Use gig keywords relevant to your niche and gig topic
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6 minutes ago, diponkarkabir said:

Stay Online Maximum Time.

This does not guarantee more impressions and clicks. Sitting around, waiting for something to happen, is a terrible way of making things happen. 

7 minutes ago, diponkarkabir said:

Share Your gig in social media minimum 5 times a day ( without spamming) 

Posting your gig links repetitively on your social media, to your friends, IS spam. The only way social media marketing works, is if you are communicating directly with your target customers. Your friends and relatives, to whom you are connected on social media sites, are NOT your target customers.

9 minutes ago, diponkarkabir said:

Send Buyer Request to get Click. 

You should not be sending responses in BR just to get clicks. You should be connecting to buyers, and building a relationship with a potential client. A click and a client are two very different things.

11 minutes ago, diponkarkabir said:

I hope in a few days your gig will be Rank.

There is no such thing as a set rank in the Fiverr search system. That's not how Fiverr works.

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1 hour ago, kc_animator said:

But fiverr suggest to share on social media

Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote. Read it again:

"The only way social media marketing works, is if you are communicating directly with your target customers. Your friends and relatives, to whom you are connected on social media sites, are NOT your target customers."

Random, repetitive, "I just want anyone to hire me" gig links, posted over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... is not not marketing. It's spam. Please learn the difference between untargeted spam, and social media posts that connect to your target customers.

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Guest kc_animator
10 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote. Read it again:

"The only way social media marketing works, is if you are communicating directly with your target customers. Your friends and relatives, to whom you are connected on social media sites, are NOT your target customers."

Random, repetitive, "I just want anyone to hire me" gig links, posted over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... is not not marketing. It's spam. Please learn the difference between untargeted spam, and social media posts that connect to your target customers.

okey well explained thankyou but please suggest how we find the exact clients

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6 minutes ago, kc_animator said:

please suggest how we find the exact clients

Figure out EXACTLY who you want to hire you. Then research and study that market of people to learn what they need, and how you can solve their needs. Once you know these things, you will know exactly who to look for, and have a pretty good idea where to find them.


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