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How to Make 2013 A Fiverr-Figure Year Guaranteed


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When you’re considering your income goal for Fiverr in 2013…first understand how manageable this really is:

To be a member of the "Fiverr-Figures" club, you need generate $10,000 minimum in revenue.

At $4 a pop, that means 2500 gigs in the year. Breaking that down daily, it's ~7 gigs a day.

Now of course, this is the hard way: However, Fiverr makes it a whole lot easier with Gig Extras.

At the time of writing, a Level 1 Fiverr member has 2 Gig extras up to $20 each. That a $45 order and $36 towards your goal. Likewise, a level 2 Fiverr member has 3 Gig extras up to $40 each. Now this is serious money: Up to $125 for an order and $100 toward your goal. (PS That's only 1 sale like that every 3 days to reach far over $10K).

As you can see, you needn't be a top rated seller to be a part of the club. In fact, some of the biggest earners on Fiverr (6 figure or higher) are only level 2 sellers.

Now that the "math" part is very clear.

Let's talk strategy!

There are three times for you to employ a Fiverr strategy: Before the Order, After the Order Up to Initial Delivery, and After Delivery. (Your strategy also changes as you Level Up; however, for brevity, I am going to assume that you're LEVEL 2 for this strategy. Why? Because even without the Sheep and Level 1 strategy, a good seller will get to level 2 without my help)!

Your Before The Sale Strategy

* Drill Down Your Skill (While Still Casting a Wide Net).

Even though as @MadMoo points out some of her best gig ideas came from her buyers how have asked questions...notice that her BEST gig ideas are still in her wheelhouse. She doesn't have gigs about ..."Formatting HTML pages" or "Getting you likes on Facebook".

While I will not speak for @MadMoo and her reasons, I feel safe to say this is a wise decision because her gig portfolio is an INCH WIDE and a MILE DEEP.

When I think, high quality graphics with food, drink, & even animated whiteboards, I think of @MadMoo.

@MadMoo is making me a customer for life. I will BRING her those ideas I have, because I HOPE she can do them. She's not trying to be "WalMart" (even if her prices are GREAT) she's not trying to be known only as a "Fiverr low priced provider" of EVERYTHING. Her store is NICHE and I get it.

The key benefit here is, when someone ends up on her portfolio, they see "Competence at Visual Arts".

...Controversial Note: While there is some disagreement about multiple Fiverr accounts, so you should always check with your Customer Service Professional about any strategy. If you have two different "skill areas" you want to offer that are very different. (Say, I'll do various gymnastics stunts while talking about your business... and ...I'll help you become a Chess Master on s***e) I would suggest you have two accounts. That way you can go deep in each category, keep your profile as short as possible (for fast loading) -- also note, this means I'm NOT on the side of folks who say "Put up as many gigs as you can"


The second key piece of before the sale strategy is dealing with “Questions.”

You know your gigs better than I do. However, an ideal gig will have the answer of "Yes, order with confidence" as the only answer you ever have to give :)

Often people ask questions for one of two reasons. A) They're a commitment phobic tire kicker who will waste your time or B) They're ready to commit but a little "mistake" phobic. They don't want to make the wrong decision.

Consequently, your best reply is one that is QUICK (soon after they've posted), SHORT (Don't ask more questions of your own! That instills uncertainty), & ENCOURAGING (either to order from you, order from someone else, or wishing them luck as this wasn't the right gig in fact and I'm unable to suggest a seller).

Your After the Order Up To Delivery Strategy

As with all strategy, strategy is not a "Yes/No" question, but a "how so" or even more to the point "When to" question. To say that the strategy of the Quarter Back running the ball is "Right" or "Wrong" in the abstract is to miss the point. Sometimes, you want to Pass, Some times you want to Run, Sometimes you want to go LONG.

Having said that,...

If you have a short delivery time for you gig. Do not bother with a message after the order. However, if your delivery time is LONG, you might want an initial "expectation setting" message. This is also the time to encourage your buyer to consider the "Express Delivery Extra" if they're in a rush!

This concept of asking for another "order" is called UPSELLING/CROSS SELLING and it's crucial to "upping" your income. And as I like to say to people... "I Upped My Income, SO UP YOURS" LOL

As a bonus, you're also "documenting" interactions and expectations so that if you do have one of those rare unreasonable buyers, you have "evidence" to have CS back you up.

Speaking of documentation, your actually "First action" anytime you see an order should be to enter it into your Fiverr Activity Tracking system (I use a spreadsheet for this). You will also track the progress of the gig across time (for example, did they leave feedback).

When you deliver you gig, if you gig requires you to use any of the fiverr trigger words like: Pay (even if you're saying Pay attention...), eMail (even if you're saying, here's the email messages you ordered), or s***e (for a s***e approved gig) put that material into a file. The idea file type is a PDF. Even the free Word Processing software OpenOffice (google it) will let you print to a PDF document.

Likewise, if you work requires you to included a link (sadly even a Fiverr internal link) this may cause the message NOT to be seen ever. And, at a minimum to be delayed as it's in the review system. However, that doesn't STOP your buyer from getting a message that you sent them a message.

That means, if s/he is right at the computer, goes to check (clearing the reminder at the top), then a key communication could go missed past an important deadline.

It's an extra step. But a good one. Consequently, the more you can make you PFDs reusable, the better. And make only the "instructions" and "thank yous" in the "I've attached a document community" original / customized.

Next, now that Fiverr allows multiple file delivery, consider including a couple of additional files will all orders. Include a "Pitch Document" that says, essentially. I trust you will like what was done for you. You may or may not have noticed that all my gigs are focused around needs for people just like you. Here's a little more on each of these gigs and if you order one or more in the next X days or by DD/MM/YY, you'll get express delivery as a free upgrade from me."


Of course be classy; however, note that some people will "whine and complain"; however, here's the truth. The odds are they would have whined and complained anyway. The small fraction of folk who will be offended because you made an offer may exist; however, you don' really want them as customers anyway!

The real import of a buyer is his/her lifetime value as a customer. NOT his/her initial and only order.

Also, the degree to which you can aggressively up-sell and cross sell has more to do with your place in the market. Are you dealing with a business (B2B sales) or a consume (B2C). If the latter, you want to be more casual and suggestive. With the business you can be more direct and consultative. (You really need this, and here's why)...

Another document to include is one that shows the person the kind of feedback you LIKE (and even the kind you don't like). Point out that you respect that we're all very busy today. However, taking a moment to leave great feedback is at one level part of the social contract for being a member at Fiverr. Ask them to consider if they take a moment to look at feedback before making an order ...and tie that into their social obligation to help the next buyer.

Finally, I've taken to including a copy of my own terms and conditions. This is where I restate what rights are included in the work they get when it differs from Fiverr's defaults. This is also where I lay out the details of the Guarantee and give the "Best, Better, and Good" options for getting that done. (By the way, part of my own strategy for 2013 is to create some images on Flicker that set Terms of Service with my buyers so that I have some power in the cases of problem buyers--these terms will also be reviewed in that policies document).

Your Post-Delivery Strategy

Go into your Fiverr Activity Tracking system, note you delivery date/time and ensure you have all the data entered (in case you missed it from the previous step).

Keep and eye out for completed orders. See if they were automatically completed or completed by leaving feedback. Note this outcome on you Fiverr Activity Tracking system.

If in delivering your gig, you decided that there's a next step with the client, future plan this into your Google Calendar or whatever system you use so it pops up to say... Send AnarchoFighter a follow up message about doing a similar gig for his FATHER's Birthday...

The biggest piece of Post Delivery Strategy is dealing with someone who wants to give you bad feedback, ask questions or for services beyond the scope of the agreement, etc.

There's a lot I can/will say about this subject. For now, I'm going to let this post end with Happy New Year.

Please post your thoughts and keep the thread alive!

I will do the same for you. And add to this reply as you add to your thoughts.

oldbittygrandma said:
anarchofighter said: The small fraction of folk who will be offended because you made an offer may exist; however, you don' really want them as customers anyway!

I want EVERY customer.

This is a semantic issue. And, actually I wouldn't have to work hard to provide proof in your own words that you do not.

a) You do not want customers who want you to break Fiverr's TOS.
b) You do not want customers who send you communications in files (at least ideally)
c) You do not want customers who expect "tech support" from you.

To this I would add...

d) you would PREFER a customer who reads you gig and extras and "orders correctly".

What I am saying is that, You cannot lose what you don't have. I'm empowering people to be "okay" with sending a complainer on their way... Or to feel "troubled" that they couldn't make someone happy.

Finally, in closing.

I have helped a good number of companies as a consultant. And, you might enjoy this, one strategy I use and teach is "Your Best Customer Profile" ... With this strategy, I've helped customers 'fire' (or 'sell off' 70% to 90% of their client base and focus on referrals from their top customers/clients/patients. Typical results is 300-500% increase in profits, reduction of work and staff needs/frustrations, and happier business owners/providers.

When you discuss madmoo's "wheelhouse" I try to think about what limitations I would have placed on myself, had I not focused on my entire package. Meaning, if I just offered "acting on video" I would have never taken a step to learn video editing, nor would I have taken the opportunity to showcase my script writing skills, voice talent or even powerpoint skills for that matter. So I view my "wheelhouse" as encompassing something a bit broader and for me that works.

Yes, you got it. Wheelhouse is not meant to limit. But let's say you also discover you have a skill teaching dog obedience. I'm not saying "don't sell that skill" (after all it's IN YOUR WHEELHOUSE--that is to say, what you can do well enough to sell enough) ...

I'm only suggesting you would do it with another account OR not do it at all to keep your "@OldBittyGrandma offers solid and tight.

anarchofighter said: an ideal gig will have the answer of "Yes, order with confidence" as the only answer you ever have to give

For me, I encourage discussion. It's an opportunity to understand my buyers needs better. For example, if they are taking my video and using it to project to a large audience, not all buyers know enough to ask for 1080pHD. They want my rant gig which is shot at 480p. To know their purpose, allows me to make sure that they are getting a product that will suit their needs....so I would have to say that the "ideal gig" does vary from one seller to another.

This is again a good opportunity for me to clear up the semantics.

In this case you're saying precisely what I've said. You've basically poured a specific example of how you make someone feel "good" about buying. You advise them on what to order to fit their needs. So, in other words, the question is...

"Can I use this video in a presentation to a room of 500 people"...

Answer: "Yes, order with confidence and to ensure all your viewers LOVE the video (and see it clearly) be sure to order the gig extra to recode the video in the highest quality possible. That's the 1080pHD gig extra. You'll be amazed at the benefit your viewers will get. Looking forward to working with you."

In closing on this point, I did explain in this case we have different gigs. I prefer to have the $5 level of my gig to be "complete" and allow that to upsell my other options. IN the case of your video gigs (and many such gig providers) you have to break up content in time / words and in format.

So of course, apply what makes sense and ignore that which cannot :)
oldbittygrandma said: Well, not only is your OP brilliant, but your replies to my notes are brilliant too!! :)


Oh thank you.


And, if they are brilliant it is only because they reflect the brilliance of Fiverr.com itself. And to the degree that Fiverr.com is a marketplace, that includes YOUR brilliance and light.


I do not ever require people "agree" with me; AND, when we're talking about things like this, it's big truths...so sometimes the contrary position is also true.


Here's to 2013

Guest brijesh1331

Such a Great Post!!

Guest tn5rr2012

I am going to go over this post throughly tonight on a larger screen so I can really get a grasp on it. Iam not sure if I my gig would allow me to be a part of that club unless I really tweaked my Extras. I started about 400 family trees in 2012 and that pace of work kept me busy all the time. I am going to really look into tweaking my Extras to see if I can increase my revenues for 2013.

oldbittygrandma said:
anarchofighter said: Finally, I've taken to including a copy of my own terms and conditions. This is where I restate what rights are included in the work they get when it differs from Fiverr's defaults.


You are including these in the delivery? I always thought that if you have terms and conditions where rights are different than those in the Fiverr's TOS, you need to be including those differences in your description...so the buyer understands, prior to booking, what rights the buyer will have upon delivery.


This is one of those things that's a "work in progress".


I'm a firm believer that it's the "Starts that Stop" most people.

So I wrote up my terms and I'm having a Fiverr artist make them into a graphic that will go on Flicker. For now, the only terms they're getting are the ones that I've stated. My situation be VERY different from your own. When I send someone a work that I've written, they really have no expectation that it belongs to them. So that it is Copywritten and not for Resale is a) not really a surprise and b) if it were I would refund them.


I also explain to people that a refund doesn't mean they get their money in their PayPal, but rather as a credit with Fiverr. Something that's really a restatement of Fiverr's terms. But I've been "Yelled at for it".


So yes, right now they get "fair TOS" in the future, they will be my "Wish list" as soon as I put them on notification.

jayapatel said: great advice and i didn't even know about the fiverr figures club. It gives me a great goal and incentive to achieve. thanks


Thank you for the kind words. The "Fiverr-Figures Club" is not an official designation. I'm just a "marketer" through and through and so I think that way.


Hey @anarchofighter, sorry for not seeing this post, but your reminder to me in a PM was good.

You make good points and your effort here is amazing, but I need to read this a good 2 to 3 times before I comment fully and to retain it all.

I will compliment your methodology in making sellers see that selling on Fiverr is not just a one time thing. You said that you want the buyer for a lifetime and I also strive for that, but unfortunately, Fiverr does not yet offer CRM tools to make that work so well. I think Fiverr needs to give sellers a real CRM like Salesforce. I tried to contact my past buyers and there is no way to jump to a date even when you change the page number in the URL for your orders.

For example, I had to contact a buyer from last May and have to keep clicking on all the Next buttons to go back 15 pages of sales to get to May. The Fiverr “manage_orders” URL has a “p” parameter indicating the page number (or what we web programmers call a Query String), but it just does not work.

I also want a way to see all of my buyers from one gig so I can post sell to them, as you indicated.

I think you are a genius making sellers realize that they can improve sales after the sale, but Fiverr has to make it easier for us as well.

Great post!


Here’s how I do it, Friend.

When I get an order I put in the order number and their name into my spread sheet. On a page behind my main accounting, the page is doing string manipulation to create “fiverr links” both to their order from MY perspective and of their order from THEIR perspective (in case I want to ask them to leave feedback, for example) also the link to our conversation.

Because fiverr’s link structure is knowable, I’ve been able to make these links then I can copy and past them into my calendar.

Having said that, you’re 100% correct. We need real CRM here.

Guest s041185

Wowwww, blown away by all your experience! Thank you and the best of success this 2013!


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