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Buyer asked for a compilation of known content creator videos.


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Hi everyone, hope you are doing well!

I would like some advice, a buyer has asked me if I would consider editing clips from a group of popular content creators, Normally I edit content that was made by the buyer. I don't know what to say to them, should I take the gig and advise them that if it isn't their own content it may get taken down, or should I avoid editing footage the buyer doesn't own?

Thanks in advance.

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  • dangerdeity changed the title to Buyer asked for a compilation of known content creator videos.

You are not overreacting. Taking someone else's content they created (whether they are well known or a nobody) and then tweaking it to be your own (or your sellers, as that would be the impression given) is probably illegal, and you do not want to get caught up in any sort of legal trouble.


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