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Sales slowed down yet still ranking high


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I don’t understand what’s happening.

I rank at the top of my niche and offer the most competitive prices. At least 40% cheaper than everyone else on the top few rows.

Yet my sales have slowed down the past week or so.

I seem to be getting like 0 - 1 sales a day of low value basic package orders rather than my usual 5 - 6 of premium packages.

What could have caused my decrease in sales?

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Hey everyone!

[frank hello]

A disclaimer: The following post/article is not an official Fiverr statement. It’s a summary of my personal observations over how Fiverr works and I am sharing because I noticed that more and more sellers come here, stating that they “lost their ranking”.

This is my effort to provide them with some answers and some food for thought.

Hold up. Fiverr 3.0?

If Fiverr’s early days (the wild wild west days) was Fiverr 1.0 and we count the facelift in 2014 (I think?) a…


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Hey everyone! [frank hello] A disclaimer: The following post/article is not an official Fiverr statement. It’s a summary of my personal observations over how Fiverr works and I am sharing because I noticed that more and more sellers come here, stating that they “lost their ranking”. This is my effort to provide them with some answers and some food for thought. Hold up. Fiverr 3.0? If Fiverr’s early days (the wild wild west days) was Fiverr 1.0 and we count the facelift in 2014 (I think?) a…

Soooo… This guy is suggesting rankinjg dosen’t matter anymore.

Does this mean that different customers will see the gigs ordered differenty?

When I check in ignognito mode im still at the top.

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