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Buyer get code and cancel my all orders


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Hope, you`re doing great.
I recently received a warning regarding order delivery issue.

Here is my order details, client asked me to develop android and ios app development.
We was divided order into 3 different orders.
Here are order numbers.
Order 1: #FO617BC6A79C6 (200$)
Order 2: #FO2BD80196C4 (800$)
Order 3: #FO413E9B47106 (400$)

Client asked me to do a favour to design/develop a simple landing page, as i respect my clients and this task was not too difficult so i did that, but there was an
issue with client domain and i repeat this was a favour, not included in original order requirements.
I designed/developed the landing page, deployed as well. But client the was asking me to change color scheme and i did and deployed again and send her the final
Here is final URL: http://slidemail1-env.eba-qxpyukvz.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/

After client said that you didnt deliver me, but as i explained this lading page wasnt in order and still i had 2 days in order to deliver so i was testing app so
how can i deliver incompleted order.
Work was completed and client opened a dispute and i was declined as i had completed my work.
You can read our all chat, order page chat as well.

I update client every week and she was very happy with previous 2 orders. She received source codes of UI and dashobaord, apk, testflight.

Now let me know
Why your support team cancelled all of my orders?
Please review my case again.



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