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Order completion - Unethical?


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The client was very friendly. She was also clueless, like me, on some rules that are normal not to be aware when beginning using Fiverr. We mutually accepted to cancel the order. She wanted a very big project to finish with a very short deadline and that wasn’t possible for me. After the cancellation, I didn’t know that I will get a permanent “record”

If you don’t want to discuss further, that’s not on me. Thank you for taking the time anyway.

I didn’t know that I will get a permanent “record”


These stats only stick around for 60 days at a time, that cancellation won’t have any effect after 60 days.

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You are free to set your delivery times so that you never have to work on a Sunday if you don’t want to.

You don’t need to offer 24-hour delivery at all, you can even choose 7 days or 30 days or whatever as your delivery time, Fiverr won’t do do anything to you if you do so.

The factor to figure in is whether enough customers will hire or contact you with your delivery dates of choice.

If you get enough inquiries/orders for your taste, there’s no harm in trying out delivery times that make sure you never have to work on Sundays, you can write “Shorter delivery times may be possible, contact me to discuss” on your gigs, which also would be an additional incentive for people to contact you.

Alternatively, and if you also want the peace of mind to not need to reply within 24 hours, you could make it a routine to toggle out of office mode every week timely enough to be sure you can enjoy your Sunday off.

And then, there’s the option to pause gigs separately, too. You could have a gig that offers 24-hour turnaround if you generally want to offer it, just not on Sundays, and pause and unpause that gig accordingly, while still having gigs with longer delivery time displayed.

Of course, out of office mode and pausing gigs has an effect on your gig visibility, but that’s only normal, buyers want to be shown things they can buy, Fiverr wants to show them things they can buy.

Try to figure out a good combination of delivery times and using out of office mode and pausing gigs that works for you. Play around with it and discover your personal best setup

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