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Check my new gig - nivos


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Hello there i am graphic designer i just opened new gig for flyers

favicon-32x32.png.077bfc87b8ebdb2004ecf14f2d0b9c67.png Fiverr.com

nivos142 : I will design a flyer for your business for $30 on fiverr.com

For only $30, nivos142 will design a flyer for your business. | Hello i'm Niv, graphic designer.Need new flyer for your bussines, I'm here for your request. Place your order now!!!Contact me if you have requirments. | On Fiverr

you can see here my profile with another gigs!

favicon-32x32.png.077bfc87b8ebdb2004ecf14f2d0b9c67.png Fiverr.com b952e472-5820-49b1-b15b-261c6d034aa7.jpg.e2b2cd7a4b90bd81ea7c28e1ba452842.jpg

nivos142's public profile on Fiverr

I'm 28, from Israel, graphic desginer and motion graphics. Looking for projects to enlarge my knowledge and to get more costumers.Using photoshop, illustraitor, in-desgin, after-effects and lightroom...

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Hello, Nivos! These are just my observations about your gigs:

Your logo samples look professional and well done, and I can see that your package descriptions show detailed specifications, however, your gig descriptions themselves look rather bare. You really don’t tell me much about what kind of logos you design other than describing them as minimalist, so I’d suggest either adding more detail to your descriptions, or you can state that if a buyer has questions, they can contact you so that you can give them more information.

There is one other thing, and it’s completely up to you, but there is more than one thread on this forum by sellers that regret offering unlimited revisions in their gigs. They found out the hard way what “unlimited” means to an abusive buyer with no boundaries, and become trapped reworking the same order, sometimes for weeks or even months, and they can’t do anything about it because it was a part of their gig.

Best of luck!

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