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Key to happiness


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Hey, so if you’re reading this you might be wondering what these essential keys are right ? You might be thinking " Oh I have gone through all the tips and trick videos, so I know them all" , but I’m here to tell you something different. This is something I learnt through Fiverr and by serving my clients. Life is all about happiness isn’t it ? Finding true happiness in what you’re doing. So what I believe is if you keep worrying that you have fewer orders or not getting orders you’ll keep attracting negativity. I’m not saying skills, or the attractiveness of a gig isn’t important. They are all as important as a positive mindset. So my simple advice is to think positively, focus on something that makes you happy, do things you love ,and simply enjoy life. 💛

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Guest humanissocial

While I appreciate the sentiment of this post, it’s misleading to title it “The Key to Getting Orders” because that isn’t what it’s about at all.

But this title will get you more clicks, I know.

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While I appreciate the sentiment of this post, it’s misleading to title it “The Key to Getting Orders” because that isn’t what it’s about at all.

But this title will get you more clicks, I know.

Thank you, I really appreciate that you took time to say it out. I didn’t mean to mislead anyone @humanissocial. I just wanted to give it a different twist, just something different than what we always see. My intention wasn’t to get more clicks, anyways I changed it to something different.

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