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Need advice for time management as a seller on Fiverr

Guest rehan_ultimate

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Hi all!

I’ve been freelancing on Fiverr for 5 months now and have been doing pretty well. However, ever since I started I’ve find it still hard to manage my time and staying organized with my orders. Does anyone have any tips on how I can be be better/more efficient with my time and be better organized/prepared so I can be a better freelancer?



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Hi Connor! Great question! 


  • Set realistic delivery times
  • Use price to decrease the amount of work while earning the same amount of money
  • Track your time-wasters. Quit or decrease your time on social media
  • Have regular work hours
  • Automate tasks where possible
  • Get things done without worrying so much about perfection. You can perfect it later. 
  • Use to-do lists to organize and prioritize your day
  • Focus on one task. Don't let anything distract you. 
  • Take regular breaks
  • Learn to say no


Yes, there are many things you can do to manage your time more efficiently on Fiverr. 

I'd say the most important one is setting realistic delivery times, combined with pricing to manage the number of orders/amount of work you have at any given time. 

My general rule is to increase my rates every six months if I have "more than enough" work on my plate. That way, I get a bit less work but earn the same amount. I might decrease rates during slow periods to attract more buyers, but I rarely have to do that. This gradual increase over time helps me reduce the demand while increasing my income.

Delivery times are also critical. Your goal should always be to have 12 hours or more left on the clock for each order when you deliver. If you manage that without too much stress, you're doing something right. Adding a day to your delivery times can help a lot. 

I also like to track what I spend time on. Using apps, you can find the black holes in your daily life. Usually, it's social media. You'd be surprised how much time we waste on that stuff, which is why I have an app that asks me, "How long do you want to use...." every time I open one of my time-waster apps. After that set time, it will remind me. I don't use much social media anymore, and you could say I quit using Facebook outside of required work on the platform. 

Plan out your work hours. It's so easy to end up on the couch as a freelancer, so having regular work hours can help. 

Automate as much as possible. Use quick responses in your inbox for every occasion you can think of. It will save you a lot of time. 

Get things done first, then perfect it. If you're struggling to start a project, just... do it. Don't worry so much about how perfect it is at this stage. If you worry too much about achieving perfect results right away, it makes it harder to get started. When you're done, take a break, and go back refreshed and ready to perfect your work. 

To-do lists are your friend. 

Focusing on one task at a time will also help. Distractions suck, and they can make or break a project. 

Take regular breaks. Go out on the porch and breathe some fresh air every hour or so. It can do wonders for morale. 

Learn to say no. Don't take on every task that comes your way. Prioritize according to your wishes, needs, and requirements. Always vet your buyers to ensure their project is compatible with your skills. If something doesn't feel right, say no. This is perhaps the most potent advice I can give. 

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